The Gift that Renews Hope: “The Justified Life”

Passage: Romans 8:1-4 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary We’re living in a time of intense tribalism, where it seems like the forces pulling us apart are greater than the forces keeping us together. Christianity, however, offers a resource for a divided world, because it provides us with a shared “center”—which is…

Marks of a Gospel Movement: “Christ’s Rule Empowers Us”

Passage: Acts 1:1-11 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Our church’s vision is to “see a gospel movement on the North Shore.” The book of Acts describes the first gospel movement, as God used the early church to powerfully extend Christ’s kingdom beyond Jerusalem, into Judea, Samaria, and even to “the ends…

God Empowers Disciples – Discussion Questions

In our current sermon series, we are breaking down our definition of a disciple to consider what it really means to be a follower of Jesus. A disciple is someone who is created by the gospel to learn Christ and lead others to do the same, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Use these…

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

As we live in light of Pentecost, which we celebrated yesterday, this Puritan prayer to the Holy Spirit from Valley of Vision seeks the work of the Spirit in our hearts. May we be drawn evermore to Christ.