Fundamental Questions


The opening chapters of Genesis address questions that are fundamental to life such as, “Why are we here?”, “What’s wrong with the world?”, “What’s the meaning of marriage?”, “How do we understand ethnic differences?”, “What is culture?”, and more. These questions face us on a daily basis and are also important to our friends, families, co-workers, and neighbors. Being a missional community means we are striving to give the Bible’s answers to the questions that people have in language they can understand with arguments they can feel the weight of. Our winter sermon series starts this Sunday and will be an opportunity for us to learn together and encounter the Gospel According to Genesis.

As we consider the first few chapters of Genesis, we would recommend the following books to help you dive deeper into the subjects we’ll be discussing:

Below is a link to a whimsical, Biblical, educational, comical video by N.D. Wilson from his book Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl, reflecting on the wonder of life as a divine drama and the part we play in it:

Click here to watch!