Repent. Reflect. Prepare.
The 2016 Lenten prayer stations are now open! We invite you to set aside some time to come to the church and spend time in guided prayer.
What are the Lenten prayer stations?
There are seven interactive stations set up around the church that we hope will facilitate a unique prayer experience for you. Perhaps you will have an experience that is meaningful for you not only at the time, but that you can carry with you throughout Lent and beyond. Each station has a theme and takes you through a guided activity that will help you pray creatively.
Why are we doing this?
While Baptists and Lent might not ordinarily be words combined in a sentence, it is helpful to observe the seasons in the church calendar as we think about the gospel. The idea is to create space for people to build new prayer time into their lives during this season without putting another event on the calendar… to encourage additional prayer through the whole season in a way that fits with anyone’s schedule.
What is Lent anyway?
The season of Lent marks the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness, facing temptation. It also sets aside the time leading up to the events of the Holy Week, as described in our “Last Week” sermon series in 2014. You may celebrate Lent by fasting, practicing self-denial, asking God to help you overcome a particular sin. You may set aside additional time to pray or read the Bible. However you observe Lent, the ultimate goal is soul transformation – as we enter into the suffering of Christ, He makes us more like Him. In order to truly celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, we must understand the darkness of the cross. As we consider the broken body of Christ, we also come face to face with our own broken bodies. Yet Easter is coming, and with it hope for new life and restoration for our souls!
Where are the prayer stations?
They are all located in the “old” section of the building – through the double doors, on the first floor.
When are they open?
They are open whenever the church is open during Lent, which is generally 9am until 9pm Monday through Saturday and noon through 9pm on Sunday. Prayer stations are closed during MOPS (bimonthly Thursday mornings), Classical Conversations (Tuesday mornings), and other church events (e.g. Awana).
What is at each station?
Each station has a theme, a theme verse, instructions, and all the materials needed. Some prayer stations have related books, a candle, the Bible, and activities for children. Lighters for the candles are located in the church office.
How often do I come?
You can come once or twice a week during Lent to visit all seven. You can plan to come early or stay an extra half hour when you come to the church for something else. You can plan an evening or two with your family or small group to visit several at once. You can choose a day to take a silent retreat at the church and visit all seven!
Who can I thank?
The 2016 prayer stations were designed by Zabdi Ainsworth, Melissa Bull, Corinne Grant, Debbie Piotrowski, Jim Quigley, and Debbi Tuck. Maybe you will design one in 2017?
Melissa Bull is our Director of Worship Ministries and has coordinated the Lenten prayer stations for three Lent seasons so far. Her heart is for our church to grow closer to Jesus by learning to integrate worship and prayer into our daily lives.