Getting to be involved in Youth Ministry is one of the greatest joys and honors God has given to us. Speaking personally, my favorite part of Youth Ministry is the relational aspect. I love getting to know the students, getting to walk by their sides during some of the most formative times of their lives, and having the opportunity to show glimpses of Christ to them. Getting to spend any amount of time with the students is a joy. It is extra special when a student decides to trust you with an aspect of their life.
Our students are so awesome, and they are such a critical part of the body of Christ. Jesus Christ took all of our sins upon himself so that we may have eternal life with our Father in heaven. It is our desire for our students to come and know the life that Christ has offered them and the transforming power of the Gospel. It is our hope that our students’ lives will be changed in such a way that their faith will carry on with them indefinitely. And we desire that our students will then share about how God has worked in them so that more will come to know the life that Christ offers. We earnestly pray that our students are impacted in such a way that the kingdom of God is shown through them in everything they do as they grow up and progress through each stage of life.
It is my belief that our students can experience the life that Christ offers us through many ways including joy, fun, relationships, crazy events, worship, prayer, service, sermons, lessons, discipleship, and the list goes on. As a congregation, we play a crucial role in the lives of our students. Our students deserve to have people who pour into them and show them they care. We have been presented with the opportunity to ask the question: “How can I get involved in our students’ lives so that they can experience the Gospel?”
It is an honor to be part of the body of Christ where our goal is to help students truly experience the life and freedom that our Savior, Jesus Christ, has given us on the cross. Praise God!
Learn more about Youth Ministry at NSCBC and talk to me about how you can get involved.
Cy Casto is NSCBC’s Youth Minister. He is currently studying at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and loves investing in the lives of youth.