Answering God: “The Lord Guides Us”

Passage: Psalm 25
Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection

Sermon Summary

The Lord wants to guide us in life, and in Psalm 25 David shows us how and why he does this.

First, we need to realize that receiving guidance is not about mastering certain techniques for discerning God’s will, but about being a certain type of person in relation to God. Guidance, then, is not something that God “gives,” per se, but something that he “does”—for those who are in right relationship with him. In Psalm 25, David’s own posture before God teaches us that God guides those who desire to worship him, to obey him no matter what, and to walk in humility before him. Secondly, God guides us because of his grace, “instructing sinners in the way” they should go (vs. 8). God’s guidance is ultimately based on who he is, not on how well we perform. Knowing this gives us confidence, freeing us from constant fear of making the wrong decisions. Finally, God guides us through a practiced relationship. David’s eyes were “ever toward the Lord” (vs. 15)—a dependence he had learned through years of walking with God, even in the midst of many hardships. Pursuing this kind of relationship with God is worth it, and we can trust in his guidance even when life doesn’t make sense, as Jesus’ death on the cross reminds us that our ultimate hope comes from outside of this world.

Sermon Outline

  • God Guides a Certain Type of Person (vs. 1-5; 8-10)
  • God Guides Because of His Grace (vs. 6-9)
  • God Guides Through Practiced Relationship (vs. 14-15)

Group Discussion & Personal Reflection Guide

Re-read the passage (Psalm 25)

God Guides a Certain Type of Person (vs. 1-5; 8-10)

Q) INTRO: What are some practical ways that you’ve tried to receive guidance from God in the past? Which were helpful? Which were unhelpful?

Q) Pastor Bobby said that receiving guidance is less about mastering certain techniques and more about becoming a certain type of person—a person of worship, obedience, and humility. Re-read verses 1-5, and verses 8-10. What do these verses teach us about David’s attitude, and his posture before God?

Q) Why do you think it is that people who are worshipful, obedient, and humble often find it easier to discern the Lord’s guidance in their lives? Has there ever been a season in your life when your own pride or disobedience kept you from recognizing the guidance God was trying to give you?

God Guides Because of His Grace (vs. 6-9)

Q) Re-read verses 6-7. What aspects of God’s character does David call upon in these verses? What attributes of God is he trusting in?

Q) Re-read verse 8. What does verse 8 teach us about God’s own character? What does it teach us about the character of the people he “instructs”?

Q) Pastor Bobby said that if we think God only gives guidance to those who perform well enough, we’ll always be worried that we’ve made the wrong decision. Have you ever experienced this before—a persistent questioning if you’ve made the right decision? If so, how might verse 8 be an encouragement to you?

Q) Just about everyone wants guidance in life. Is there someone you know who is not a Christian, who would be encouraged to know that we have a God who graciously guides failing and struggling people (“sinners”)? How might you meaningfully share this with them?

God Guides Through Practiced Relationship (vs. 14-15)

Q) Re-read verses 14-15. What do you think David means when he says his “eyes are ever towards the Lord”? What do these verses suggest about the nature of David’s relationship with the Lord, over the long haul?

Q) Pastor Bobby said that if we want to be the type of people who can discern God’s guidance, we need to cultivate our relationship with him over a long period of time. What can you do individually this week to cultivate your relationship with God? What can you do with someone else, or as part of a group? (NOTE for small group leaders: You might ask if there is a person or two in your group who would want to share about a discipline or habit that has helped them cultivate their relationship with God over a long period of time).

Q) Pastor Bobby said that it’s hard to keep hoping in God and seeking his guidance when life doesn’t seem to make sense. How does the gospel give us a deeper sense of hope, even when life doesn’t make sense?

Additional Application Questions

Q) How else would you like to engage with God this week?

Q) How can you tangibly care for those in your community this week, both inside and outside of the church?


Spend time praying for yourselves, our church community, the North Shore community, and our nation and world—particularly those most vulnerable.