Portraits of Growth: Lauren Meekins

At NSCBC, we believe that multiplying disciples who make disciples is crucial to seeing a gospel movement on the North Shore. Throughout the year, we want to highlight encouraging stories of our people growing through discipleship groups and preparing to multiply their faith. If you are interested in joining a D-Group, to be discipled and make disciples, click here.

Will you tell us a little bit about yourself?

My name is Lauren Meekins. My husband Joe and I have attended NSCBC since August 2019. I work in the home caring for our 4 children, Everlee who is 6 ½, Ezra who is 4 ½, Eleanor who is almost 3 and Ellis who is 1 ½ years old. Together, we love serving in toddler church some Sundays and being a part of the growing ministry of the church!

Who is in your discipleship group, and what led you to want to join a D-group?

I began leading a discipleship group at the beginning of March with Angela McMannus, Shauna Anthony, and Jennifer Galvan Ross. I joined my first discipleship group last year with the vision and desire to lead a new group. I love this model of reading and growing together for a time and seeking to reach others when we feel equipped to do so. I asked Shauna halfway through my first year knowing I wanted to grow deeper in my faith with her, side-by-side. The Lord put Angela on my heart after we crossed paths a few times around Beverly and I asked her to join. Angela is a good friend of Jennifer’s (who doesn’t attend NSCBC but another church in Beverly) and Angela was lead to ask Jennifer to join our group. I am so thankful the Lord helped this group form organically like He did. Our time together has been incredible!

What has been the most impactful part of your discipleship group experience so far?

I’d say seeing these women come each week being led by the spirit and being faithful to pray for one another throughout the week. These components are important to the success of the group but how we’ve grown from each other and are challenged to do the things that don’t come most naturally (like reading daily or sharing the Gospel with neighbors) has really strengthened our group and vision for the year.

What is one way you’re growing in your love for God and his word so far this year?

As a leader, in all honesty, you can’t skim the readings or get by with previous knowledge, this has been a good challenge for me! God has been blessing my time in the Word. I had a rough plan of the readings for the year but instead of following my plan we take turns choosing the week prior, again, very organic! God has used this to speak to our hearts and current circumstances in ways we could have never formulated on our own!

What is one area of your life where you’ve been spurred on to fresh obedience to Jesus, from being part of your discipleship group?

I hear the Lord speaking over me, “let go, and let God.” All my life, I’ve been drawn to leadership roles which is hilarious because I am very vulnerable and fragile to others’ opinions of me. God has really spoken over me this year that He is the one in control and to let myself go and let Him lead. This is how our nights are together as a group, sometimes I lead the discussion and sometimes the others let the Holy Spirit speak through them. I do feel this is valuable in equipping them to lead their own groups in the years to come.

What is one way that your discipleship group is helping you to love others well (family, friends, co-workers)?

We’ve had a family member who is suffering from a really hard diagnosis and walking through this with them in prayer has been a major blessing.

What is one thing you’re learning in your discipleship group that you want to take with you when you disciple others in the future?

I would say being more assertive and sure of myself. It is a challenge which Joe has helped me grow in too. For example: when I share something, think first and then speak and don’t end it with, “or something like that,” or “does that make sense?” This has also helped me be a more active listener. I’m grateful for gracious and godly women who keep me focused on Christ throughout my week and help me grow in my areas of weakness.