Serve Beverly Reflections

In August NSCBC partnered with other churches in Beverly for “Serve Beverly,” a day of service to our community. Joe and Lynn T. led a group serving in Beverly Farms, and have offered this reflection on the day!

If you are attentive and listening, you may see an opportunity to do justice if you respond to the opportunity before you. Thankfully, through the North Shore Gospel initiative, justice initiatives are being made available through “Serve Beverly.”

And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)

“Serve Beverly” presented several choices toward a day of ministering to our city. We were also able to align one of our passions and giftedness to a project called “Harvest for Humanity.” This is an exceptionally large garden in Beverly Farms led by visionary John Fallon, who has successfully been able to grow vegetables for a variety of local food pantries. Up to thirty local Christians from several area churches volunteered to weed and stake up a bounty of vegetables. Together we demonstrated a united body of Christ, working joyfully to sustain this project. We are always amazed at the blessings that God brings forth when we respect and care for the earth. This project and all the other “Serve Beverly” projects all met God’s mandate of glorifying Him and loving our neighbors.

“Harvesting For Humanity” enables food pantries to receive beautiful, organically grown vegetables. We were inspired by the work John Fallon has begun and are considering ways in which we can continue to help this ministry thrive into the future.

The day of serving culminated in many of the participants from various area churches involved in the “Serve Beverly” projects, meeting together at the end of the day, for worship and inspiration. It is always a beautiful experience to see and hear brothers and sisters in Christ offering up praise to our God and Savior. Amidst all the world chaos, we were encouraged to see diverse cultures working together and embracing eternal Shalom.

Thanks to Joe and Lynn for capturing the spirit of the day with words and photos! Our hope is that Serve Beverly would not be a one-off event, but a step toward deeper connection and service in our community. Learn more at the North Shore Gospel Partnership website (you can signup for the newsletter at the bottom of that page) and save the date for our next prayer gathering – October 5th at 4pm.