Corporate worship is central to the life, discipleship and witness of our church. Week by week we gather to retell the Gospel story of the God who: calls us to worship, leads us to confession, renews us with grace, instructs us in his Word, nourishes us through the Lord’s Table and Baptism, and sends us out with his presence on mission to the world. We want to be people marked by vibrant, God-honoring, Christ-centered, and Spirit-filled worship, who are transformed by our vision of the kingdom of God. Our worship services blend various musical styles and practices — some traditional and some contemporary. Every service is focused around a God-centered theme. The church takes an offering each week, though visitors are not expected to participate in giving. Throughout the year, we have special services that correspond with the worship seasons.


We desire that everyone at NSCBC would make three connections: 1) Connect with God in a deep, personal relationship; 2) Connect with our church community – through small groups, service opportunities, discipleship, fellowship, etc.; 3) Connect your faith to the world you live in.

Our Connect Team helps those new to our church, as well as long-time attenders, find where they can get involved to develop these connections. There are two main steps to the connection process.

Connect I is the first stage in getting connected with our church. For those who are new to NSCBC or not yet members, you can meet the pastor and church staff over lunch or dessert and get to know who we are and our vision for the future. The setting is informal and non-committal. Just enjoy time to learn more about us and ask any questions you have.

If you would like to take the next step in getting involved at NSCBC, join us for Connect II, where Pastor Bobby discusses what it means to be a member of our church as you prayerfully consider joining our fellowship. Anyone can participate in the Connect II class even if you are not ready to continue in the membership process. During the time we look at the identity, calling, and structure of our church. To find out more, contact

Connect with us at NSCBC