In the past few months my husband and I were given an amazing opportunity to take a course offered by our church called “Imagine OS.” The course had various readings in scripture, excerpts from books, videos, and articles to help us apply the gospel deeply on a personal level and
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Passage: Psalm 25 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary The Lord wants to guide us in life, and in Psalm 25 David shows us how and why he does this. First, we need to realize that receiving guidance is not about mastering certain techniques for discerning
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On Thursday evening, May 28, the North Shore Gospel Partnership, a collaboration of churches in Essex County, hosted a virtual live event titled Let’s Talk: Racial Justice and the Church. The conversation was honest and vulnerable as pastors shared their own experiences with racism and offered wisdom for how Christians
Passage: Psalm 32 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Watch the Service here Sermon Summary If we want to know true happiness in life, then we need to experience the joy and freedom of being forgiven. In Psalm 32, David describes how to experience the joy of forgiveness, and
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A significant barrier to becoming a US citizen is cost. According to Open Door Immigration Services, a nonprofit in Salem providing affordable legal services, citizenship applications cost $725. “We host approx 15 students in our citizenship classes each semester, but cost is by far the biggest barrier to them submitting
Social distancing and stay-at-home orders make staying connected a challenge. But community is still an essential part of the life of a Christian. Through Christ, we are united as brothers and sisters. So, what does the family of God look like in an age of social distancing? Watch this video
Passage: Psalm 42 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Psalm 42 describes the experiences of a person who knows that God is essential to life. Written during a period of exile, the psalmist longs to be home in Israel, gathering together with others in worship, and
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I have never not been single. My whole life. And I’ve enjoyed it. You can drink straight out of the proverbial milk carton. You can hop a plane whenever you feel like it. You can pursue a career that makes little to no money, because you are not responsible for
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