Following is the fifth of weekly devotionals that will be posted throughout the Lenten season. If you haven’t already seen the previous Lenten posts on the topic of sin and its forms in our lives, please check them out. This entry takes a different approach to talk about the discipline of fasting. Thank you to Megan Berger for today’s…
Category Archives: Bible Study
Genesis: A Video Overview
As we continue studying the book of Genesis together on Sunday mornings, it is helpful to keep each chapter in perspective as to how it fits into the whole Biblical narrative. Here is a link to a video that is a helpful visual overview of Genesis 1-11. This video is created by The Bible Project,…
Lent Series: Sin as Addiction
Following is the fourth of weekly devotionals that will be posted throughout the Lenten season. May these reflections encourage and help you as you repent, reflect, and prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Thank you to Melissa Lowther for today’s post. Read: Romans 7:14-25a Addiction can sometimes take predictable forms like alcoholism, drug abuse, or…
Lent Series: Sin as Death
Following is the third of weekly devotionals that will be posted throughout the Lenten season. May these reflections encourage and help you as you repent, reflect, and prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Thank you to Natalie Crowson for today’s post. But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves…
Lent Series: Sin as Pride
Following is the second of weekly devotionals that will be posted throughout the Lenten season. May these reflections encourage and help you as you repent, reflect, and prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Thank you to Jimmie Massie for today’s post. Pride goes before destruction; a haughty spirit before stumbling. —Proverbs 16:18 “Pride produced the…
Lent Series: Sin as Slavery
Following is the first of weekly devotionals that will be posted throughout the Lenten season. May these reflections encourage and help you as you repent, reflect, and prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Thank you to Stephen Waldron for today’s post. Read: Romans 8:12-17 Most of the Bible tells the story of a…
Engaging with Scripture
Happy New Year! Wait, is it already the middle of January? Maybe you, like me, don’t care much about “New Year’s Resolutions” but still find yourself trying to set new and better habits, clean out the house a bit more, check out that gym membership after all, etc. Oh yes, and since you left that…
Meditation on Philippians 2 and the End of a Family Promise Week
For those who serve with Family Promise at NSCBC, Sunday was a goodbye (of sorts). We finished our week of hosting—sharing dinner, playtime, and overnights in the church with four families currently experiencing homelessness. As the program moved on to the next church, two precious families also graduated from the program (after many months of…