Welcome to our Intergenerational community hub! As we seek to continue and grow in the practice of intergenerational community this summer, this web page will be a place where you can find many of our resources on the topic.

Consider engaging with the resources below, included on the calendar above!

Visit this link to fill out our Generations Survey! (June 4th)

Read this article from the Barna center about Gen Z! (June 10th)

Learn about ways to serve with young people in our church body! (June 17th)

Read this article from Crossway about why the church needs teens! (June 18th)

Watch our NSCBC Generations Video here!

Youth Pastor Search

In addition to engaging with this calendar and the prayer requests and action steps associated with it, we would love for our community to actively support youth, youth families, and our youth search team during this time. As we begin to search for a new youth pastor, join us in praying and sharing the search!

Please pray for our search using our intergenerational community calendar above.

Please share our search website with contacts and those you think may be interested in the position!

Please use this recommendation page to recommend potential youth pastors to us.

Please pray for our Youth Search Team. You can find their bios here!