What does a live in person service mean?
We will host a service in the sanctuary led by an in person service leader, worship band, and preacher. There may be a few video elements to the service like interviews and testimonies, but the plan is for the vast majority to be led by people in the sanctuary.
How many people can come?
Under current regulations we can now have ~100 in our sanctuary and up to 150 people seated outside.
Depending on how many people attend each week and the availability of volunteers, a second Sunday morning service is a possibility.
Why is the service taking place in the sanctuary?
The big advantage to using the sanctuary is that it is set up to broadcast audio and video from there to other rooms in the church as well as to the internet for those watching at home or in house churches. The sanctuary is also the more sustainable long term venue for our services and we do expect regulations to relax so our capacity can increase.
What safety precautions have been taken?
The church will be following all state guidelines on hygiene and social distancing for places of worship. Several steps have been taken to improve safety, including increasing our cleaning schedule of high touch areas, installing hand sanitizer stations through the building, and putting up clear signage to help with social distancing. In seated areas there is more than 6 feet of space between seating sections, with one household allowed per seating section.
What about air quality?
Steps have been taken to improve ventilation in the building, with air flow and air quality helped by a combination of window fans and air purifiers in the sanctuary, and our HVAC system in the gym. In other parts of the building windows and doors will be open to provide a constant flow of fresh air.
Are masks required?
Yes, at the moment Massachusetts still has a face covering order in place. This means for now everyone over the age of 5 who is attending the service must wear a mask at all times in the church building, even if they have been vaccinated, unless you have a medical condition that has prevented you from wearing a face covering. Service leaders are not required to wear face coverings while at the front, so expect our service leader, preacher, and vocalists to not by wearing masks while they are on stage.
Will there be singing?
Yes, singing will be a part of the service.
What if I have symptoms or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19?
If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 do not come to the church.
The symptoms list can be found here.
If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive do not come to the church.
Will I need to register to attend?
Yes, while there are still strict capacity limits on public gatherings we will use an online registration system, however, if you are not comfortable using the online registration it will be possible to sign up by phoning the church office.
What will there be for children?
Children's Worship will meet at the same time as the service in the Fellowship Hall with space for 16 children ages 4-9, with registration required. Children are also welcome to be a part of the service in the sanctuary or on the lawn. Should a parent want to take a younger child out of the sanctuary part way through the service the Nursery, Toddler Room and Cry Room will be available with a live link of the service playing in the Nursery and Cry Room.
How can I help?
Meeting in person at the church will require quite a few volunteers for help with ushering, cleaning, A/V and other tasks. If you are interested in volunteering to help make these services possible email
Any other questions?
We hope to add to this FAQ as we get closer to May 9th, but until then if you have questions please email
We have a short survey that you can take to let us know how comfortable the congregation is with different options for in-person worship.
Take the survey here.