Written Resources

Resources for Children and Families

Looking for a book for your child or a resource as a parent? Browse our favorite titles for children, teens, tweens, and parents.

Sermon Discussion Questions

Each week in response to the sermon we create discussion questions for use in small groups, discipleship groups, or personal study.

Head over to our sermons page to see the latest discussion questions.

Our Devotionals

During certain seasons of the church year we invite artists and writers to reflect on scripture drawing us deeper into the season. Here are a few recent devotionals we’ve produced as a community.

Lent 20204

Our little Lenten devotional is a journey through scripture and practice that takes us from Ash Wednesday to Easter together. Together, because spiritual practices were never meant to be done in isolation from community. We’ve created this Lenten devotional as a resource as we embark on two separate but very much inter-related journeys: Reflective Reading and Reflective Practice. We encourage you to join with your small group, discipleship group, family, or simply invite one friend for the journey. Some practices are designed so they could be shared with a friend or neighbor – even if they aren’t yet sure what they believe about Jesus.

Advent 2023

In the first chapters of Luke the Spirit overflows from people in song. These ‘little’ songs (the canticles of Advent) have been set to music; sung and chanted for millennia. They come to us through their latin names: Nunc Dimittis, Magnificat, or Benedictus, and Gloria in Exceslsis.Artists and writers in our community have teamed up to produce this devotional book to orient us to the Advent Season through scripture, poetry, music, and art using these songs as our guide.

Advent 2020

John tells us, “No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.” (1:18) If we have seen Jesus as the Bread of Life, then we know God our Father as the source of nourishment for hungry bodies and searching souls. If we have seen Jesus as our Fellow Mourner, we can be sure that we never bear our losses alone. As we meditate on Jesus’ life, may we be captivated. And may we be stretched by one anothers’ way of seeing Jesus and find a deeper unity, rooted in who he is for us.

Church Library

Located across the hall from the church office, come browse and check out one of the 4,500 books, CDs, and DVDs.

The library is open during office hours and on Sunday mornings.

How to check out a book

  • Remove the card from the back of the item
  • On the card, write your full name, stamp the due date, and place it in the tray.
  • Stamp the due date on the slip in the back of your book or DVD
  • Items circulate for three weeks
  • Have a question? Email us at library@nscbc.org