Apatheism: A New Approach to Spirituality

“Apatheism” is a new term describing people who are apathetic about matters of God/spirituality. Additionally, those who are apatheists don’t actually care about other people’s religion either. But, apatheists aren’t necessarily atheists; they could even be Christians. Jonathan Rauch, journalist and apatheist, coined and explains this concept in this article. This Sunday after the service we’ll…

Whose Side Are You On?

This recent political season and Sunday’s shooting in Orlando has found Christians described in the news most often by what they’re against: gun control, same-sex marriage, immigration, abortion, alcohol, etc. Imagine a conversation with a friend who asks “How come Christians are so often portrayed as those who are against everything? It seems like Christians…

Sermon Scraps: What happens when I die?

Yesterday, was the third sermon in a series addressing some of the most heartfelt questions we have for God. “What happens when I die?” The following resources may be helpful as you continue grappling with this question, seeking to understand the after-life and our hope for the new heavens and new earth: Books Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the…

Sermon Scraps: How do I live life well?

Yesterday, was the second sermon in a series addressing some of the most heartfelt questions we have for God. “How do I live life well?” The following resources may be helpful as you continue grappling with this question, attempting to understand your purpose in life: Books A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World by Paul…

Sermon Scraps: Why is there so much pain?

Yesterday, Pastor Bobby began a new sermon series addressing some of the biggest questions we have for God. The first question was “Why is there so much pain?” Listen to the sermon here. If you are still grappling with this question and want to continue exploring the problem of pain and suffering, here are some helpful…