The Search for Meaning

As we begin a new year, we begin a new sermon series at NSCBC. Throughout January and part of February 2017, Pastor Bobby will be speaking from Ecclesiastes. In a culture that prizes authenticity and reality TV, Ecclesiastes is relentlessly honest in its appraisal of life. Life is a gift from God, but the book’s…

The Gospel According to Abraham

Many people today hunger for spiritual encounter, but also want to be part of something that is bigger than themselves. The book of Genesis tells the harrowing story of God encountering one man – Abraham – and through his family changing the entire world. He was an unlikely candidate. In fact, he came from the wrong…

Communion Series: The Fourth Word

The Lord’s Supper (or Communion) is when we take time each month to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf and remember his great love for and forgiveness to us. We are currently in the midst of a series of monthly posts during which we are exploring the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice by considering his…

Communion Series: The Third Word

The Lord’s Supper (or Communion) is when we take time each month to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf and remember his great love for and forgiveness to us. We are currently in the midst of a series of monthly posts during which we are exploring the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice by considering his…

Sermon Scraps: Finding Christ in the Bible

Yesterday’s sermon reminded us that all of Scripture, including the Old Testament prophets and writings, are about Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:10-12). Pastor Bobby referenced a talk by Tim Keller that is summarized in the video in this post. As we realize that the Bible is not about us and what we need to do, but about…

Reading the Bible for Yourself

John Piper is a pastor, theologian, and writer, who founded, which exists to help people understand and embrace the truth that “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” Piper shares tips for how to approach your personal Bible study in the article How to Read the Bible for Yourself….

Genesis: A Video Overview

As we continue studying the book of Genesis together on Sunday mornings, it is helpful to keep each chapter in perspective as to how it fits into the whole Biblical narrative. Here is a link to a video that is a helpful visual overview of Genesis 1-11. This video is created by The Bible Project,…

Engaging with Scripture

Happy New Year! Wait, is it already the middle of January? Maybe you, like me, don’t care much about “New Year’s Resolutions” but still find yourself trying to set new and better habits, clean out the house a bit more, check out that gym membership after all, etc. Oh yes, and since you left that…