Our Struggle to Talk Outside Our Tribe

A recent Barna study suggests that among evangelicals, atheists, the LGBT community, Muslims, and Mormons, evangelicals are the most uncomfortable talking to these other groups. Read the findings here. This paragraph from the article captures the challenge:

“Evangelicals seem to have a particularly difficult time talking to those outside their group. They report higher tensions than any other group when it comes to having conversations with those who are different from them. For instance, almost nine in 10 evangelicals (87%) believe it would be difficult to have a natural and normal conversation with a member of the LBGT community, but only six in 10 in the LGBT community (58%) say it would be difficult to have a natural and normal conversation with an evangelical.”

This Sunday we will begin our summer worship service schedule, where we will have a shortened service in the Sanctuary beginning at 10am, followed by guided discussion together. Join us to discuss this topic and consider how we can begin to look outside ourselves as we build relationships.