Being Christian at Work

Since moving to the North Shore just a few months ago, I have faced more challenges and changes than maybe ever before. Getting married, moving far away from family and friends, and starting a new job in a completely new field has sometimes left me wondering if I’m really where God wants me to be right now. But the Lord has continued to be faithful and continues to show me that I’m right where He wants me. I have been surprised and encouraged with the many opportunities He has placed in my life so far to share the Gospel and to actively live out my faith, especially at work.

When I first started my new job, I assumed that no one at work would really be interested in talking about faith or a relationship with Christ. However, I soon found out that I was quite wrong. As I started sharing more about my life and my faith with the people I work with, I found a lot of them coming to me and asking questions like, “Why do you believe?” or “When did you know that you first believed?” From these interactions, I learned a few things about the people in my workplace. I thought that most people in this area wouldn’t be interested in Christianity, but the reality is that most people don’t come across Christians in their everyday lives. My co-workers think of me being a Christian as just another “part” of my life or a hobby. However, I’m trying to show them that being a Christian is a lifestyle—a lifestyle deeply changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Furthermore, I have found that a great way to share the Gospel with co-workers is by forming genuine, transparent, and trustworthy relationships with them and really becoming invested in their lives. I have worked to build personal relationships because, ultimately, I want my friends to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Hopefully my relationship with them will point them to what it means to have a meaningful relationship with Christ.

This is my goal in everyday life. The more I grow in my trust in Jesus Christ, the more it seeps into everything I do and every conversation I have. Throughout the past three months, the Lord has taught me so much, and I’m excited about these opportunities to continue to invest in the lives of those around me. My prayer is that the Lord would continue to transform our hearts as a Church to love people the way that Christ does.


Brittany Casey is a new member of NSCBC. She works as an Administrative Assistant. She and her husband, Cameron, were married in April 2016.