March 24, 2024 


Orientation: How did we get here?

Towards the end of 2022 it became increasingly apparent that significant updates and improvements need to be made to our building.

  • Some needed updates are obvious, including
    • peeling paint in the sanctuary
    • worn out carpet
    • windows that don’t work
    • Musty smell downstairs
  • Other needed updates are less obvious, including
    • Patching the roof 
    • The need to replace the boilers. (For example, you might remember the Sunday that we had to cancel the first service because of carbon monoxide levels in the building that were connected to a tired boiler.)

As we began estimating the costs, we realized that there was already more need for improvements than we had money set aside.

We also had  another wonderful realization: there are many children and families pouring into our building, and some of our Sunday School classrooms were already meeting or exceeding capacity with no room to grow. None of us wanted to say, “You’re welcome to come to NSCBC so long as you don’t bring any children,” so we began putting our heads together and recalled that when the gym was originally made, the space beneath it was designed to become children’s ministry classrooms. It’s structurally ready but the classrooms have not yet been built. 

At that point, we decided that we should raise funds for those two projects: improvements/ replacements and completing the children’s space. However, as we began talking this through as leaders (staff, elders, deacons, and ministry leaders) we began to realize that there were other needs as well. For example:

  • it’s hard to find space at our church to gather for fellowship
  • the hallway between the sanctuary and gym is a bit of a gauntlet, making clear movement difficult 
  • the sanctuary could be more conducive to united gathered worship

And so we sought and received this advice: “If you know that you need to raise funds for some immediate projects, you should consider your long term vision as well.” Consequently:

  • We formed a focus group of staff, elders, deacons and other leaders
  • We formed a capital campaign committee (Andrew Rennekamp (chair), Natalie Crowson, Adam Kurihara, Jim Pocock, Clay Range, Laura Range, Debbi Tuck, & Bobby Warrenburg)
  • We identified a local architectural firm who works with churches
  • We received several anonymous donations totaling over $600k 
  • We met with consultants from Joni and Friends and GRACE about accessibility and disability needs and protecting children.
  • We interviewed three campaign consultants and selected one

Which brings us to today. We need to hear from you.

Our mission and vision remain the same. We are seeking to make and mobilize disciples to serve a gospel movement on the North Shore. We are trying to help people to get connected to Jesus, grow in a community of faith, and live out the Christian vision in all the places they live, learn, work and play. The building is where much of that takes place. It’s where we hear the gospel, see the community formed around Jesus, and prepare to be sent into the world. It’s also a place where we host our friends and neighbors on the North Shore in many different ways. With that in mind, we’re going to ask you to help us name what’s difficult about our space in various areas of ministry and dream about how it could be better in service of our vision. Thank you for your participation!