This is a great time to remember that the church is not a building, and the church is not its leaders. The church is every single one of us, being transformed by the gospel, and living sacrificially on mission - now of all times - for the glory of God and the good of our community. We’ve never been in a situation like this, but we know whom we serve, and our Lord is our “Keeper” (Ps. 121). So above all, let’s stay close to Jesus, live in a non-anxious way, and reflect his kingdom values - especially to the most vulnerable.

Previous Communications

Sunday Online Service

The link to access the service is We recommend you hop on about 15 minutes prior to the start of the service at 10am (so, about 9:45am). On the page, you will find the video to stream the service live, as well as the order of service to follow along and links with other announcements.

You may also think of a friend who might want to join us online Sunday morning – send this link to them. This could be a great opportunity for someone who might need to hear this message to participate in a non-threatening way.

Congregation Care

The purpose of the deacon board is to serve the church through practical ministries of caring for the people of the congregation. As such, we want to make you aware of two ways that the deacons are available to serve during this time of uncertainty.

  • Our church’s Benevolence Fund, is available to help those with urgent financial needs. If you or someone you know is in need of financial support and would like to request aid, contact
  • If there is another need that you would like to make the deacons aware of, please fill out this form: NSCBC Community Care Request.

NSCBC family members may also wish to help others in need by giving to the Benevolence Fund. Just designate “Benevolence Fund” when you give either online at or on a check which can be mailed to the church.


We want to continue to support one another even as a church family even when we won't all be able to meet together. Praying for one another and our communities is an important part of this. If you would like the staff and church leadership to be praying for you or needs that you know of, please fill out the form below.

Prayer Requests

Feel free to remain anonymous if you would prefer
Each week our staff team pray for the needs of those in our church family and wider community
We are able to share some prayer requests wider in the church via our weekly prayer email. Let us know if you are happy to be included on this.
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Meeting Needs