NSCBC House Churches

Just because we can’t all meet in our building doesn’t mean we can't gather. NSCBC House Churches exist for people to worship God, hear from His Word, and invite neighbors and friends in small local gatherings. If you are interested in hosting or participating in a House Church, click here:

If you’re already meeting with others to watch our Sunday livestream together, but your home is at capacity and not able to host additional guests, click here:

Frequently Asked Questions:

1) What is a House Church?
NSCBC House Churches exist for people to gather together for worship and community. While Massachusetts remains in Phase 3 of reopening and heavy restrictions for gathering in our building are still in place, this is a way for us to pursue corporate worship together. House Churches meet in individual homes to watch Sunday services and fellowship together.

2) How do I find a House Church?
Most NSCBC House Churches will be forming organically as friends contact friends to worship together. However, we have created a mechanism to help people connect with others who are hosting. After submitting the form above with a few details, someone from NSCBC will reach out to a House Church nearest you with your details so that they can follow up.

3) What about masks and social distancing?
You can expect hosts to reach out and lay out expectations for the gathering in their home. Depending on the size of the home and the location of the gathering (backyard, basement, living room, etc.), these preferences will vary. Massachusetts’ guidelines for gathering during Phase 3 can be found here.

4) What does it take to host?
An open space and willingness to invite! We understand that not everyone, for a variety of reasons, is able to host a House Church. For those willing, you should have a screen large and loud enough for your group to hear and see, as well as a space that is open and inviting. For some that may mean having one friend come over to sit across the couch. For others it might mean inviting the family from down the street who isn’t part of a church community. If you are open to having guests join at your home, sign up above to host and we will share information with you from those who are looking for a House Church and you will reach out to them with expectations for the gathering in your home. If you have kids or are wanting to host families with children but are not sure how to help them stay engaged in the service, we can help provide resources. If you already have friends you know coming to your house and you’re already at capacity, that’s fine! We’d still encourage you to register your House Church above so we can get a sense of who is meeting and offer support. 

5) What do we do after we watch?
This entirely depends on who you have and what the weather is like but there are several options. For some there may not be time or space to do anything after the service. For others, if you have chosen to eat together, you can have brunch/lunch. Some may choose to pray together after the service and then disperse. If you’d like to discuss the sermon, here are a few simple questions that could prompt the discussion:
  • What truths did today’s message tell us about God?
  • What did it show us about being a follower of Jesus?
  • Are there ways we are being compelled to respond to the message?

6) Do I have to serve a meal?
Meals together are completely optional and depend on the preferences of the host and their guests.

7) Can I get a lawn sign?
We’ve created lawn signs for our people to show their own neighborhoods that the church is alive and active together. Contact office@nscbc.org to coordinate a time to pick up a sign.

8) How can I participate in a House Church if I prefer not to meet with others in person?
We have an option for people to meet over Zoom while watching the service and then to join in fellowship and discussion after the service over Zoom. If you are interested in being part of this or learning more, email office@nscbc.org.

As we meet together in homes, we continue to remain committed to these values.