About the Retreat

The retreat will be held at Camp Berea in Hebron, New Hampshire, and will be held from Friday evening, October 27th, through Sunday morning, October 29th.  The registration cost includes the two nights of lodging, as well as five meals (dinner on Friday through breakfast on Sunday).  The theme for the weekend will be “Life Together: Building our gospel centered community one story at a time.”, and we envision this time serving as a chance to build community deeper and faster than is possible in just the twenty minutes between services on a Sunday.  You can read more about our vision for the retreat and the purpose behind it in the tab above titled “Life Together: Why Should I Attend?”.


Camp Berea has dorm-style bunk rooms that sleep 6 people to a room.  The lodging included in the base price is a bed per person, with separate men’s and women’s bunk rooms.  Couples or families may opt to stay in a private bunk room for an additional fee- this would be the same as the normal 6-person bunk room, but set aside for private use and with its own bathroom.  If a family has six people and can fill a bunk room, the extra fee is dropped.  Please note that not all requests for private rooms may be possible to accommodate if there are a large number of requests (due to the total number of rooms available).


The price per person for the weekend is $130.50, with a $50.00 non-refundable deposit due by Friday, July 21st (or, ideally, upon registration).

For families, the price is capped at four people, which comes out to $522.00 including a $200.00 deposit.

Please note- the deposit counts towards the total price; it is not an additional charge.

The fee for a private bunk room is $100.00.


We would like anyone who would like to attend to be able to come, regardless of the cost.  If the price is something that would prevent you from coming, there are both partial and full scholarships available.  If you’d like to inquire about a scholarship for you or your family, please don’t hesitate to reach out!  You can email the deacons directly at deacons@nscbc.org , or fill out the registration form and select the scholarship option at the end of the form.


To register, please fill out the following form.
Click Here To Register!


  • Q: Can I select who is in a bunk room with me?
    A: When you register, you can request to room with others who will be attending.  We will do our best to accommodate as many requests as possible, but depending on numbers and other logistical factors, may not be able to grant all requests.
  • Q: Can I attend for just a day/night/not the whole weekend?  If so, what is the cost?
    A: While we hope that everyone will be able to come for the entire weekend, if you have circumstances that would prevent you from attending the entire time, please reach out to the deacons directly at deacons@nscbc.org
  • Q: What should I make sure and pack?
    A: Camp Berea offers a generic packing list for events at their facility- check it out here
  • Q: How long is the drive to Camp Berea?  What if I need a ride?
    A:  Depending on traffic, it can take between 2 and 3 hours to get there.  You can get directions here, and a map of the camp here.  There is a place to indicate if you need a ride in the registration form.  Additionally, we would encourage anyone who is able to provide a ride to others to indicate that as well, so that we can arrange for folks to carpool.

Something new and exciting is happening at NSCBC. Over the past few years, many people have joined our church and are beginning to build meaningful relationships with each other in small groups, discipleship groups, and organic friendships, further building a vibrant and warm community within our church. But with a church of our size, it can be hard to get to know each other beyond the friendly greeting on Sunday morning.

We all want deep meaningful relationships. We crave them. Without them we feel unsettled, unseen, and unknown.

But one thing continues to stand in the way of these relationships and deeper community – our hurried and busy lives.

How many of us have tried to plan a time to get to know someone in the church, only to realize that it would be months before you could find a night to get dinner together? How many of us have started intentionally investing in friendships only to lose heart that nothing seems to last? What if we were a community that took time to be together? What if NSCBC was known as a refreshing alternative to the hurried pace of the world around us?

Life Together

Building our gospel centered community one story at a time.

At the heart of our vision for this coming year is the aspiration to be a surprisingly joyful community, where people are known not by what they do for a living, but how God has transformed their lives. We want to build a community that is marked by relational vulnerability; a community where it is normal to share our whole selves, not just the easy and pleasant things. In so doing, we get to the real stuff of life: how we deal with disappointment, how we wrestle with faith and doubt, and how we see God’s grace and mercy running through it all.

Our emphasis this year will be about learning stories and connecting the dots in our community. This retreat is one of many steps in that vision.  For that reason we will not over-program the weekend with classes, activities, and workshops.  We want to simply give space for us to connect with one another for longer than the 20 minutes after worship. We hope this extended ‘life together’ will spark connections and be the catalyst for the rest of the ministry year.

Why have a retreat? We need to spend time together. This work doesn’t happen overnight, but an overnight retreat can certainly help! We need to make connections. We need to learn each other’s struggles and victories. We need to build our gospel-centered community one story at a time.