Important Covid-19 Safety Guidelines - Please Read

  • Registration is required. Due to strict capacity limits (currently 40 people) we won't be able to admit anyone who has not registered in advance for each service.
  • Face masks are required at all times in the building. Masks can be provided if you do not have your own. If you cannot wear a mask for a valid medical reason you will not be required to. Children under 2 years old are not required to wear masks and parents can use their own discretion for children between 2 and 5 years old.
  • Household units can sit together in the open seating sections. A maximum of one household can sit in a section with more than 6 feet of space being provided between sections.
  • Fellowship time is not possible before or after services so we ask that when the service is over that everyone exits the building and doesn't linger in the corridors.
  • We are unable to offer childcare at this time, however, the friendship hall downstairs will be available as a parent and child space if needed, for up to 10 people, with a TV link to the service. Children must remain with their parents in the building.
  • Extra cleaning will take place of high contact areas on Sunday morning to ensure good hygiene.
  • Hand sanitizer stations are available at several visible positions in the church building.
  • The majority of the church building will be closed including the kitchens, cloak rooms, and other halls. The upstairs restrooms will be open for use.
  • Everyone must enter by the parking lot door, but the front doors will be open for exiting the building.
  • If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 do not come to the church. The symptoms list can be found here.
  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been in close contact  with someone who has tested positive do not come to the church.
  • To improve ventilation, doors and windows will be open with window fans in use. This will mean it is cooler in the sanctuary than usual.
For any further questions contact

How to Register

Registration is required for each service and will open on Tuesday morning at 9am prior to the Sunday service. There are two ways to register.
  • The best way to register to guarantee a place is using our online booking system. There households can register together as a unit, or you can also register for a friend if they need help. Click here to register online.
  • Registration is also possible over the phone if you call the church office on 978-927-2014. Feel free to leave a message and someone can call you back to help you register.


Registration will open at 9am on Tuesday morning before the Sunday Service.