Important Covid-19 Safety Guidelines - Please Read
- Registration is required. Due to strict capacity limits (currently 40 people) we won't be able to admit anyone who has not registered in advance for each service.
- Face masks are required at all times in the building. Masks can be provided if you do not have your own. If you cannot wear a mask for a valid medical reason you will not be required to. Children under 2 years old are not required to wear masks and parents can use their own discretion for children between 2 and 5 years old.
- Household units can sit together in the open seating sections. A maximum of one household can sit in a section with more than 6 feet of space being provided between sections.
- Fellowship time is not possible before or after services so we ask that when the service is over that everyone exits the building and doesn't linger in the corridors.
- We are unable to offer childcare at this time, however, the friendship hall downstairs will be available as a parent and child space if needed, for up to 10 people, with a TV link to the service. Children must remain with their parents in the building.
- Extra cleaning will take place of high contact areas on Sunday morning to ensure good hygiene.
- Hand sanitizer stations are available at several visible positions in the church building.
- The majority of the church building will be closed including the kitchens, cloak rooms, and other halls. The upstairs restrooms will be open for use.
- Everyone must enter by the parking lot door, but the front doors will be open for exiting the building.
- If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 do not come to the church. The symptoms list can be found here.
- If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive do not come to the church.
- To improve ventilation, doors and windows will be open with window fans in use. This will mean it is cooler in the sanctuary than usual.