Those following the 30 Days of Prayer Guide will find themselves praying today about affordability. Just yesterday the following article ran in the Salem News and readers will find it complements our day of prayer quite well: Housing crunch leaves renters, buyers waiting.
We hope that the discipline of using a local Prayer Guide will help train us to infuse prayer into our day-to-day lives. We hope it will help us become people who pray along all of the paths we travel: at work, in family life, friendship, civic engagement, and as we interact with neighbors. Let’s be people who, with eyes open to the world around us, prayerfully allow the Gospel to shape and form us for life in all of the places where God has put us.
A housing market that prices some out of the community is one way that affordability impacts people’s day-to-day lives. Has this impacted anyone you know? How else have you seen it affect the lives of your friends and neighbors?
Have you known any Christians whose understanding of the Gospel led them to respond to this issue in any particular ways?
Hospitality is one way we can respond to those impacted by affordability. Henri Nouwen defines hospitality as “the creation of free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy.” Has anyone ever offered you hospitality? Are there unique or creative ways that you personally (or we as a church) could practice hospitality in this community?