Yesterday, we continued in the series Ordinary Christians: Life Together on Mission. Pastor Bobby’s sermon emphasized that the Gospel not only gives us salvation, but it is the very thing that helps us grow in Christ. It is through the Good News that we “get in” with God, but also become like his Son.
The Gospel gives us new perspective in life. We “gird the loins” of our minds – we prepare our minds and set them on the grace that comes from God (1 Peter 1:13).
The Gospel also gives us a new model for life, as we change and grow in holiness. It’s a childlike model, where we live like our Father, instead of being defined by this world (1 Peter 1:14ff). The following chart outlining the differences between an orphan and a child of God is from “Sonship” by the late C. John (Jack) Miller, former professor at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.
As an infant craves milk, may we crave Jesus every day as our source of salvation and also as the one who changes us into who we are created to be (1 Peter 2:1-3).