Jesus: The Vine

Read John 15:1-18

We are human beings, not human doings.

—Attribution varies

I don’t know about you, but I like to go. I like to do. Checklists abound in my life, and I always have a new way to fill any downtime. I’m not good at taking time to pause and reflect. I get so caught up checking off the “producing fruit” box on my to-do list that I let myself get disconnected from the vine. Jesus says, “No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.” Cart before the horse and fruit without the vine? Not a good plan. 

Nourishment from the Source

Jesus describes himself as the vine. His followers are branches that grow out of the vine.  Among other things, this means that we draw life and nourishment from him as the source. He generously channels to us the nutrients and sustenance that we need to bear the fruit of his kingdom – the kingdom fruit of justice, peace, beauty, and goodness. To receive this nourishment, we need to remain in him. We need to root ourselves in his life-giving word, love, and commands. As we draw life from Jesus’ desires and follow his way, our to-do lists are transformed into his. 

Taking time to listen

Remaining in Jesus helps us learn to listen for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. There are always a million things we could do to share God’s love and advance His kingdom. It takes time to listen for the voice of the Spirit, so that we can be at the right place at the right time to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this world. Let us become people who choose to remain, listen and submit our desires to Jesus, so that his life can flow through us to the world, producing not just fruit, but lasting fruit. 

How can you remain in Christ today so that you bear his fruit? 


Written by Christine Seibert

Artwork by Emmy Short, Cling