Passage: Acts 6:7-15; 7:54-8:3 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Gospel movements advance as God works through hardship. We need to come to grips, then, with the fact that we will face hardships. The early church faced both internal and external hardships, a reality well illustrated in Acts 6-7 by the life and…
Tag Archives: Acts
Marks of a Gospel Movement: “God Calls His People to Witness”
Passage: Acts 4:32-37 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Gospel movements happen when God’s church witnesses to Him powerfully. The early church witnessed compellingly to God’s reality because it had both an orthodoxy of doctrine and an orthodoxy of community. The early church’s witness, therefore, included both their words and their deeds….
Marks of a Gospel Movement: “God Calls His People to Pray”
Passage: Acts 4:23-31 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Gospel movements are marked by kingdom-advancing prayer. The prayer life of the early church made them unique in their day, and if we want to see a gospel movement on the North Shore, we too need to be a praying people. Among the…
Marks of a Gospel Movement: “God’s Temple Is All of His People”
Passage: Acts 2:1-13 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary In a gospel movement, God moves through every one of his ordinary, yet Spirit-filled people. In ancient societies, people would build temples on high places, and these temples acted like “hotspots” of God’s presence on earth—places where God chose to dwell with people….
Marks of a Gospel Movement: “Christ’s Rule Empowers Us”
Passage: Acts 1:1-11 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Our church’s vision is to “see a gospel movement on the North Shore.” The book of Acts describes the first gospel movement, as God used the early church to powerfully extend Christ’s kingdom beyond Jerusalem, into Judea, Samaria, and even to “the ends…