Give us Your Heart

Director of Worship Ministries Brittany Casey reflects on why “Give us your heart” was such an appropriate song for us to sing as a church on Vision Sunday Video – Give Us Your Heart [popup-video src=””] Make us like you Lord This past Sunday we prayerfully took our goals and vision to the Lord during […]

Nothing is Hidden

Steve Dagley shares the inspiration behind his song “Nothing is Hidden” based on Psalm 139. Songs from the heart Over the years, I’ve had a few opportunities to write songs for our church services, and the process turned out to be one of the best ways for me to study scripture. It required me to dwell on […]

A Parting Gift to NSCBC

When I first started as the worship team leader at NSCBC, my immediate goal was to modernize the songs that we sing on Sunday morning. I moved slowly, introducing one song each month and phasing out the older ones that had lost some life. I continued this practice for years, introducing one new song each […]

One 11 am service,
February 9th!

Hi NSCBC! Due to inclement weather, we will have 1 service tomorrow, February 9th, at 11 am. Stay safe and warm, and we'll see you at 11!