Passage: Psalm 126 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary At so many levels our world is not as it ought to be, and as Christians we long for God’s restoration. Psalm 126 trains us in that longing for restoration. First, we need to look back on the restoration God has already brought….
Tag Archives: psalms
Answering God: “The Lord Guides Us”
Passage: Psalm 25 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary The Lord wants to guide us in life, and in Psalm 25 David shows us how and why he does this. First, we need to realize that receiving guidance is not about mastering certain techniques for discerning God’s will, but about being a…
Answering God: “The Lord Carries Our Sin”
Passage: Psalm 32 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Watch the Service here Sermon Summary If we want to know true happiness in life, then we need to experience the joy and freedom of being forgiven. In Psalm 32, David describes how to experience the joy of forgiveness, and the effects that forgiveness has…
Answering God: “The Lord Is Our Essential Rest”
Passage: Psalm 42 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Psalm 42 describes the experiences of a person who knows that God is essential to life. Written during a period of exile, the psalmist longs to be home in Israel, gathering together with others in worship, and experiencing the full vibrancy of his…
Answering God: “The Lord Gives Us Courage”
Passage: Psalm 108 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Psalm 108 is a psalm of courage, in which David “answers God” with courageous hope, and praise, and expectation, even before his victory was certain. In between his fearless opening expression in verse 1 to his confident closing statement in verse 13, David…
Answering God: “The Lord Hears our Lament”
Passage: Psalm 13 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary There are over forty psalms of lament, and these very human psalms teach us how to “answer God” when we face the inevitable pain that life brings. When facing pain and despair, some bottle their pain in and some lash out, but in…
Answering God: “The Lord Gives Life”
Passage: Psalm 19 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Part of “learning Christ” as his disciple involves learning how to answer God in prayer, on the basis of how he’s revealed himself. In Psalm 19, David looks out into God’s creation, then down into Scripture, and finally into himself before answering God….
Answering God: “The Lord Speaks to Us”
Passage: Psalm 1 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Sometimes our circumstances lead us into deeper reflection on the kind of life that’s truly worth living. Many of the Psalms were compiled during such a time, while Israel was in a “forced time out” in exile in Babylon. As a whole, the…