Easter Sunday: “The Lord is Our Refuge”

Passage: Psalm 16
Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection

Sermon Summary

We all have the need for some kind of “refuge” in life. Practically speaking, whatever or whoever we look to for ultimate security, contentment, and fulfillment in life is what we are taking refuge in. We should take refuge in the Lord alone because every other refuge will ultimately fail us. In order to take refuge in the Lord, we need to re-order our desires for him, continually “setting the Lord before us” as a renewed reminder that he is our security, our contentment, our joy, etc. We can enter into the Lord as our refuge with confidence, because of Jesus’ resurrection: that is, because the Lord did not abandon his beloved son—his “holy one”—to the grave, but protected him from the “corruption” of sin and death by raising him up in resurrection power, then we who are united to Christ by faith can be confident that God will do the same for us. What joyful security does this bring as we look to the future! What reason to make him our refuge now!

Sermon Outline

  • How We Make God Our Refuge (vs. 1, 5, 8, others)
  • he Reason We Make God Our Refuge (vs. 10-11)

Group Discussion & Personal Reflection Guide

Re-read the passage (Psalm 16)

How We Make God Our Refuge? (vs. 1, 5, 8, others)

Q) In the sermon, Pastor Bobby said that everyone has the need for some kind of “refuge” in life—something or someone they look to for security, contentment, fulfillment, etc. What are some common things you see people taking refuge in today? (Think specifically of your neighbors, family, friends, and co-workers).

Q) Reread verse 4. What are some of the negative effects of “taking refuge” in something or someone other than the Lord? Have you ever seen some of these effects play out in your life?

Q) Pastor Bobby said that the way we make God our refuge is to “re-order our desires for him,” relying on him for our ultimate sense of security, of comfort, of direction. Where in the Psalm do you see David “re-ordering his desires”—or reminding himself of all that God is for him?

Q) Reread verses 5-6. What does David mean when he says the Lord is his “chosen portion” and his “cup”, that the “Lord holds his lot”, or that “the lines have fallen for him in pleasant places”? What keeps you from being able to say this about the Lord in your own life?

Q) Reread verse 8. What does David mean when he says, “I have set the Lord always before me”? Practically, how can we “set the Lord always before us,” and how will this help our desires to be ordered rightly?

The Reason We Make God Our Refuge (vs. 10-11)

Q) Reread verses 9-10. In verse 9, David confidently rejoices in the security he feels through making God is refuge. In verse 10, David gives the reason for such security and confidence. What reason does he give for such confidence? What does David mean when he says, “You will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption?”

Q) Have someone in the group read Acts 2:22-32, reminding the group that this is from Peter’s sermon on Pentecost. How is Psalm 16:10 ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ?

Q) How does Jesus’ own resurrection give believers today the confidence to make God their refuge?

Additional Application Questions

Q) Is there a desire you have—maybe even a good desire—that you’ve been placing above the Lord, that you need to repent of?

Q) How would you like to “set the Lord before you” this week?


Spend time praying for yourselves, our church community, the North Shore community, and our nation and world—particularly those most vulnerable.