Passage: Excerpts from Psalm 119 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary To flourish in the midst of what is likely to be a challenging winter, we’ll need to engage in regular practices of spiritual formation. One such practice is immersing ourselves in God’s word. God’s word
Daniel Facing the Beasts
Passage: Daniel 7:1-18 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary To live faithfully in exile, we need to be both “heavenly-minded” and earthly-rooted. In fact, it is only when we have a “heavenly imagination”—when we can see the Son of Man reigning eternally from his throne in
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Daniel Facing the Beasts
Passage: Daniel 9:1-23 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary To live faithfully in exile, we need to be a people who understands our own sin and confesses it before God. In Daniel 9, Daniel shows us what it looks like to boldly confess the sins of
Daniel Facing the Beasts
Passage: Daniel 6:1-23 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary To live faithfully in exile, we need to be people of integrity—people who live “whole,” consistent, and integrated lives—both as individuals, and corporately. In Daniel 6, we see in Daniel a portrait of true integrity. Daniel had
Passage: Mark 3:31-35 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary One of the most precious truths of the gospel is that God is a Father who calls people by grace into a family. This past Sunday, we saw this truth powerfully illustrated through baptism, and we heard
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Daniel Facing the Beasts
Passage: Daniel 4:28-37 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary To live faithfully in exile, we need to have the correct posture. We need to be a humble people who recognize that we live under the authority of God and in complete dependence on him. To do
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Daniel Facing the Beasts
Passage: Daniel 3:13–26 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Being faithful to God in exile involves worshipping him alone amidst the competing idols and ideologies of our day. Doing so is often costly but it’s a powerful witness to our surrounding culture and it makes compelling
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Daniel Facing the Beasts
Passage: Daniel 2:31–45 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary When living in exile, we, like everyone else, are faced with the “mystery” of what life is all about. Though we will never find the answer to this mystery by looking inside of ourselves, we have a
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