Serve Beverly Reflections
In August NSCBC partnered with other churches in Beverly for “Serve Beverly,” a day of service to our community. Joe and Lynn T. led a group serving in Beverly Farms, and have offered this reflection on the day! If you are attentive and listening, you may see an opportunity to do justice if you respond […]
A Disciple’s Family
Passage: Mark 3:13-35 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Read Mark 3:13-35: And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired, and they came to him. 14 And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send […]
Small Group Testimony: Jen L.
As we kick off another fall season and try to organize ourselves around perhaps new schedules and demands, I would like to share from my experience the value of committing to a small group. One thing I have learned is that life is full of surprises, some good and some unwanted. The Bible talks of […]
Discipleship Survey 2021: Encouragements and Takeaways
At NSCBC, our vision is to see a gospel movement on the North Shore, and we are convinced that fruitful discipleship is the “irreducible minimum” in all of our labors and prayers to see Christ’s kingdom more fully expressed in Essex County. This is why we’ve gone to great lengths, to clarify and define who […]
Multiplying Discipleship: 4 Barriers
Our vision to see a gospel movement on the North Shore will only become a reality if we saturate the North Shore with transformed disciples who multiply by investing in other disciples. In this short blog series, we’ll explore the necessity, the mindset, and story of multiplying discipleship at NSCBC. You can read the first […]
Multiplying Discipleship: An Investment Mindset
Our vision to see a gospel movement on the North Shore will only become a reality if we saturate the North Shore with transformed disciples who multiply by investing in other disciples. In this short blog series, we’ll explore the necessity, the mindset, and story of multiplying discipleship at NSCBC. A Fifty-Year Hole “It won’t […]
Multiplying Discipleship: Jesus’ Heart & Church’s Lifeblood
Our vision to see a gospel movement on the North Shore will only become a reality if we saturate the North Shore with transformed disciples who multiply by investing in other disciples. In this short blog series, we’ll explore the necessity, the mindset, and story of multiplying discipleship at NSCBC. Jesus’ Example & Command Mike […]
Discipleship Survey 2020: Encouragements and Takeaways
This past March, our church took a survey for the second year in a row, aimed at helping us assess our growth as disciples. We did this because of our conviction that fruitful discipleship is central to our vision to see a gospel movement on the North Shore. Discipleship is the “irreducible minimum” in all […]
The Disciple-Making Toolkit: Remove The Weeds and Thorns
Our vision to see a gospel movement on the North Shore will only become a reality if we saturate the North Shore with transformed disciples who make disciples. The charge to “go and make disciples” (Matt. 28:19-20) is our central task as Christians, and is joyful hard work. In the New Testament, disciple making is […]
Disciple Making Toolkit: Consider The Seed
Our vision to see a gospel movement on the North Shore will only become a reality if we saturate the North Shore with transformed disciples who make disciples. The charge to “go and make disciples” (Matt. 28:19-20) is our central task as Christians, and is joyful hard work. In the New Testament, disciple making is […]