In a sermon on June 14, 2020, Pastor Bobby helped us understand justice as “meeting needs through practical deeds.” Oftentimes in Scripture, justice is restorative and is accomplished by giving people what they need. This doesn’t mean giving everyone the same thing. We often think that equality is the way
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Passage: Amos 6:1-6; 7:1-9; 8:11-14 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary The book of Amos is “apocalyptic” literature, because its purpose is to reveal to us a greater perspective on truths we often can’t see. In Amos chapters 6-8, through visions and pronouncements, Amos reveals a
North Shore Community Baptist Church is one of over 10 churches in the North Shore Gospel Partnership (NSGP). The NSGP is a multi-denominational network of churches collaborating for the advancement of Jesus’ mission to transform the North Shore of Boston. The NSGP recently published a statement denouncing racism, repenting of
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Passage: Amos 5:18-27 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary It is possible to have a faith that appears vibrant, but in reality, is empty and decaying. Amos reawakens us to this possibility, lamenting our false worship and teaching us what true worship entails. First, true worship
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Passage: Psalm 126 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary At so many levels our world is not as it ought to be, and as Christians we long for God’s restoration. Psalm 126 trains us in that longing for restoration. First, we need to look back on
Four North Shore pastors started a conversation last week on racial justice and the church. One of the takeaways from the talk was to continue learning the history of racial injustice and listening to the stories of those who are different from you. Here are five resources recommended by the
In the past few months my husband and I were given an amazing opportunity to take a course offered by our church called “Imagine OS.” The course had various readings in scripture, excerpts from books, videos, and articles to help us apply the gospel deeply on a personal level and
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Passage: Psalm 25 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary The Lord wants to guide us in life, and in Psalm 25 David shows us how and why he does this. First, we need to realize that receiving guidance is not about mastering certain techniques for discerning
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