In two weeks I’ll complete my term* as deacon-at-large. In the summer of 2014 as the church recruited its first cohort of deacons, I felt a distinct call to serve in this way. I somewhat like starting new things. I get excited imaging something that doesn’t yet exist and seeing
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Have you been noticing a difference at NSCBC lately? You might answer, “Sure, there are more new people and it’s getting harder to find a parking place.” Yes, you’re right, but there is something more fundamental happening. You may remember the sermon series about three years ago on The Sermon on
Happy New Year! Wait, is it already the middle of January? Maybe you, like me, don’t care much about “New Year’s Resolutions” but still find yourself trying to set new and better habits, clean out the house a bit more, check out that gym membership after all, etc. Oh yes,
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As we begin our sermon series on Genesis and reflect on creation, you may enjoy reading these quotes from G.K. Chesterton’s Orthodoxy, which expand on the ideas of joy and love being the reason for creation and how God’s commands and word bring us freedom. Related to God’s joy in the
Today’s post is by Marcia Kercher, coordinator of the new Connect Team.   My heart is full of gratitude when I think about the area of ministry I have been asked to launch and participate in. Pastor Bobby and Julie have heard my family’s faith story that has taken place
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Have you heard some chatter lately about “gospel renewal”? Maybe you’ve heard Pastor Bobby reference it or you heard someone say that we’ll be praying for gospel renewal on January 10th. But what is gospel renewal anyway? What is gospel renewal? Tim Keller writes a lot in his book Center
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The opening chapters of Genesis address questions that are fundamental to life such as, “Why are we here?”, “What’s wrong with the world?”, “What’s the meaning of marriage?”, “How do we understand ethnic differences?”, “What is culture?”, and more. These questions face us on a daily basis and are also
After the glitz of celebration passes on midnight January first, we wake up to a new year. For many, including me, an unblemished calendar smells of promise and hope. This will be a year where I can accomplish feats of self-discipline, strength, and knowledge. The resolutions and goals we set