Living on Mission
We aim to see disciples who:
“Have a growing awareness of the everyday settings where God has placed them for mission and are intentionally trying to live as a witness for Christ there.”
These resources will help you explore what it would look like to develop this characteristic in your life as a disciple:- WATCH Anne’s story to see an illustration of how Anne’s everyday settings became places for mission in her life (5 mins).
- READ “Making Disciples In the Everyday Stuff of Life” (5 mins)
Pray and Reflect
- Reflect on Anne’s story in the video. Can you relate to her experience? What everyday settings in your life might you be looking as places to be a witness for Christ?
- Pray that God would lead you into a growing awareness of how the places you live, work, and play are places for mission, and pray that God would share with you his compassion for the people in these places.
Dive Deeper
Check out these books and videos for a “deep dive” into the theology and practice of living on mission in everyday life.- Fruitfulness on the Front Line: Making a Difference Where You Are by Mark Greene This book helps bring clarity to how and why we can live at witnesses for Christ in our everyday settings
- Theology of the Ordinary by Julie Canlis This short book illustrates how Christ’s life, death, and resurrection in the sphere of ordinary life brings value to how we view our everyday settings, and empowers us to live as faithful witnesses in these settings.
- Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman This book richly unpacks the place of motherhood in God’s grand plan to fill the earth with transformed disciples, and how mothers can make disciples of their children in everyday life.
- Watch Paul Tripp on “How to Disciple Children For Mission”
Get Connected
Growing as a disciple is a group project. Here’s how you can grow in this characteristic with others:- I’d like to join a small group where I can be encouraged, prayed for, and challenged to live on mission in my everyday settings. (link to SG page)
- I’d like to get coffee with a staff member and consider how I can grow in my intentionality in living on mission in my everyday settings.