Sunday School

Our Sunday School for Toddlers through Grade 5 utilizes a gospel-centered curriculum called “Brite” to help kids build lasting faith. In every lesson, the Bible is read, heard, and connected to Jesus in ways kids can understand in their own lives.

Brite desires to make disciples who can say:

  • I believe in Jesus.
  • I’m becoming more like Him.
  • I belong to Him forever.

Children meet in various classrooms based on age/grade during second service (11 am) on Sundays during the academic year.

Children’s Worship

A special time of worship is provided during the 9:15 Sunday service for children age 4.5 through 2nd grade. Our Children’s Worship program is designed to help children worship in a special place apart from the worshiping congregation so they become able to worship meaningfully with the congregation. Kids will worship, pray, and learn together in engaging, fun ways, using “The Biggest Story” curriculum for the teaching, games, and craft time. “The Biggest Story” curriculum believes that when kids see how stories from the Bible fit together, they can understand God’s purpose in all of history to redeem the world through his Son, Jesus.


Our Toddler Care program is designed to meet the needs of young kids in a safe and loving environment where they can grow to trust the church as a fun and comfortable environment. Children attend during the entire 9:15 am Sunday worship service, experiencing a variety of structured and unstructured play, and gospel-centered Bible learning activities including music and art.


The infant nursery provides a warm, caring environment for little ones during both Sunday worship services & Sunday School. Our Infant Ministry team of volunteers provides a loving environment to care for your child through age 2 1/2 years while you attend Sunday School and/or Worship. Vibrating pagers are available for parents to take with them so nursery staff can unobtrusively notify you if needed. The Nursery Room (Room 208) is primarily a large, inviting play space with a separate room for nursing mothers. There are lots of colorful toys which are disinfected regularly, as well as changing tables and diaper supplies. We want children from the earliest age to feel secure in church and to sense God’s love.[/one_half_last]


All of our helpers have undergone national background checks, and there are at least two volunteers present at all times. We have a sign-in/sign-out system for security through PCO. All families are asked to check in their children (infant-2nd grade) at the welcome desk. Children receive stickers noting his/her name, age and any special instructions that will help us in caring for your child. Parents receive a tag to pick up their children, ensuring safety at pick-up time.


The nursery, toddler church, and Children’s Worship run during our 10 am worship service during the summer.

For one week each summer, children entering K-6th grade are invited to participate in Vacation Bible School!

> Register for VBS here


We desire for Middle School and High School students to develop a meaningful and lasting relationship with Jesus Christ. We help students grow in their understanding and experience of the Gospel through:

Middle School

Youth Group meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays nights from 7:15-8:45pm at the church. Come hear a gospel message from our series on Experiencing Life: Christian Practices for Today, as we seek to understand and live out how our spiritual practices can shape and equip us for all of life. Come for community, games, and snacks.

Small Groups meet bi-weekly on Wednesday nights from 7:15-8:45pm at host homes in our local communities. Youth group and small groups alternate weeks—never meeting on the same Wednesday even. Through the guidance of our middle school girls’ small group leaders, the girls are studying through big questions of the Christian faith, applying their answers to the challenges of being a teen on the North Shore. Through the guidance of our middle school boys’ small group leaders, the boys are learning what it means for Jesus Christ to be “the way, the truth, the life” that brings identity, meaning, and purpose to all of life.

High School

Youth Group meets once-a-month on Sunday evenings from 7:15-8:45pm at the church. Come join in on the discussion at youth group as we seek to engage in spiritual practices through our new series, Experiencing Life: Christian Practices for Today. Come for community, games, and snacks. Lastly, we plan one additional local outing a month such as a pumpkin carving contest, movie night, and Christmas party!

Small Groups meet once-a-week on Wednesday evenings from 7:15-8:45pm at host homes in our local communities. With the leadership of our high school girls’ leaders, our girls are discussing, learning, and practicing the importance of cultivating a life of prayer and intimacy with God. With the guidance of our high school boys’ leaders, our boys are studying the life of King David as a pointer to the True King, Jesus Christ, and how this reshapes our identity, our challenges in life, and our view of leadership.

Email our Interim Youth Minister at to learn more.


Our ministry to college students

The College Ministry at NSCBC exists to connect students with the congregation and encourage discipleship relationships.

We love that we are so close to Endicott College, Montserrat College of Art, Salem State University, North Shore Community College and Gordon College, and having students from these colleges add to the life of our church.

Our church is deeply-rooted, multi-generational, and local. We offer a unique opportunity amidst college life to relate with kids, families, senior citizens, and everyone in between; we’re just 5 minutes from Gordon and Endicott, and 10 minutes from downtown Beverly, a worshipping community in the neighborhood you now call your own.

Click here to visit the College Students page

Keep up to date

Sign up for our college student email to find out about upcoming events and ways that you can be involved in the life of our church and the wider North Shore community.



Local Outreach

Family Promise

Family Promise is a local organization that organizes an interfaith hospitality network. This means that churches on the North Shore are collaborating in order to provide shelter, food, and community to local families experiencing homelessness. NSCBC has signed on as a Partner Congregation in this effort. This means NSCBC will quarterly have a week where we participate in an organized fashion by having dinner with families, playing games with the kids, and hosting guests overnight in our church facility. As you enjoy participating and get to know guests, there are certainly opportunities to return more often.

If you are interested in getting involved, you can learn more about Family Promise and how they help by visiting their website or by speaking with the NSCBC Family Promise contact, Sarah Bartley. Ultimately if you wish to participate in a way that will include guest interaction, you will need to participate in a Family Promise training (approx 2 hours including a CORI check). See the Family Promise website for up to date information on upcoming trainings and RSVP through Sarah.

Evening Service

The Evening Service is an accessible worship service held on the first and third Sunday of each month either in-person or on Zoom. We seek to bring together people of all physical, cognitive, social and economic abilities to love God and love each other. When we meet in-person, the evening begins with a meal. At both in-person and Zoom services we play games, sing, pray and hear a message from God’s Word. We enjoy learning through hands-on activities, videos, pictures and discussion.

Read more on our Evening Service page

Beverly Downtown Dinner

Every night in Beverly, a warm meal is provided for those in need. NSCBC prepares and serves that meal on the fourth Wednesday of every month at the Memorial United Methodist Church on Dane Street. To learn more and get involved in cooking, serving, or interacting with guests, contact Nanette or Jim Maden:


Night to Shine

Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs, ages 14 and older. Sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, at North Shore Community Baptist Church.

Read More on our Night to Shine page


NSCBC is known for its strong program of outreach throughout the world. The World Team coordinates the support of over 20 career World Partners located overseas and elsewhere in the USA. It does so by:

  • Stimulating interest in what God is doing around the world.
  • Spreading information about the work of our World Partners. Spurring involvement of individuals in our congregation.
  • Supporting investment and intercession. Sending individuals and teams throughout the U.S. and around the world.
  • We believe this kind of world focus is obedience to Christ’s command to: Go, preach, disciple, and teach. (Matthew 28:19-20; John 20:21). Pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers. (Matthew 28:19-20). Minister to the whole need of mankind: physical, mental and spiritual (Matthew 25:31-46).


MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, and is an international organization focusing on supporting and equipping mothers of young children. NSCBC is the chartering church for North Shore MOPS, and our bi-monthly meetings provide an opportunity for development of meaningful relationships between moms from all backgrounds around the North Shore through engaging speakers, small group discussion, creative activities and plenty of food and coffee.

Click here to go to our MOPS page to find out more and how you could join MOPS.


The Outreach Ministries Fund, or OMF, is earmarked for evangelism or social service needs, both local and worldwide.  Grants can be made to meet a program’s critical need, provide funds for a new project, or towards facilities improvements.  The Fund’s gifts towards social service needs are to be in support of community-oriented projects.

At North Shore Community Baptist Church, we acknowledge that we are called to give generously to all of God’s work as we are able.  The Outreach Ministries Fund is earmarked for evangelism or social service programs outside the regular ministries of NSCBC.  We seek to support the work connected to the people of NSCBC in our communities.

The Outreach Ministries Fund gives four to five grants a year, most ranging from $50 to $1500. These grants serve ministry needs that are specific, one-time, and verifiable by receipt. Grants can be made to meet a ministry program’s critical need, provide funds for a new project, or towards facilities improvements.
Grant Examples from Past Years
• Ministry materials: Bibles; school backpacks; video and workbooks
• Conferences or training: fees and associated costs, travel expenses
• Facility repair and upgrades: repairing building damage; kitchen countertops; a 15-passenger van; heating system repairs; a computer
• Special expenses: food and decorations for a celebration; consultation with a nutritionist for an orphanage.
The Outreach Ministries Fund Team meets quarterly to consider pending requests.

The application is online (see link below). You may also request a printed application.

You may submit an application at any time. You will be notified within a week of our receipt of your information. Please note: a reference from someone at NSCBC will be required.



Contact Information

The Outreach Ministries Fund Team consists of Anne Bajema (chair), Sarah Bartley, Richard Wallace, and Rich Healey.

For more information, contact the OMF team at