Emoji Christmas

We’re always looking for creative ways to tell the Christmas story. Take a look at this emoji Christmas video! What are other ways you’ve told this timeless story?

Sermon Scraps: Clothed in Humility

In yesterday’s sermon, Pastor Bobby spoke from 1 Peter 5 about leadership and how humility is (or should be) one of the key marks of a Christian leader. Humility is like our clothing – it should go with us everywhere and it should be one of the main things that identifies us as Christians. In The…

Sermon Scraps: A Community of Hope

In yesterday’s sermon, Pastor Bobby shared from 1 Peter about how we should be a community that holds up the hope we have in Jesus Christ. We can be different, like this small village in Le Chambon that saved thousands of Jews during WWII because they cared for others more than they cared for themselves….

Sermon Scraps: Finding Christ in the Bible

Yesterday’s sermon reminded us that all of Scripture, including the Old Testament prophets and writings, are about Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:10-12). Pastor Bobby referenced a talk by Tim Keller that is summarized in the video in this post. As we realize that the Bible is not about us and what we need to do, but about…

Sermon Scraps: Sunday’s Coming

In last Sunday’s sermon, Pastor Bobby referenced a powerful message by S.M. Lockridge: It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Comin’! Take a look at the brief portion of his sermon and be reminded today of the living hope we have in Christ!

Sermon Scraps: What happens when I die?

Yesterday, was the third sermon in a series addressing some of the most heartfelt questions we have for God. “What happens when I die?” The following resources may be helpful as you continue grappling with this question, seeking to understand the after-life and our hope for the new heavens and new earth: Books Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the…

Sermon Scraps: Why is there so much pain?

Yesterday, Pastor Bobby began a new sermon series addressing some of the biggest questions we have for God. The first question was “Why is there so much pain?” Listen to the sermon here. If you are still grappling with this question and want to continue exploring the problem of pain and suffering, here are some helpful…

What difference does resurrection make?

As our daily lives continue in the wake of glorious Easter celebrations last weekend, let us not forget the power of the resurrection. Take a listen to this short personal reflection from British scholar N.T. Wright on what difference the resurrection makes in his life.