Passage: Luke 1:67-79 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary We all long for a world invested with meaning and hope, and we are a people hungry for praise. And yet, disappointment with God can shut our mouths to praise. Zechariah’s story, in Luke 1, is a
Passage: Luke 1:46-56 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Mary’s Song, or the Magnificat, situated at the beginning of Luke at the start of the Christmas story, is an ideal transition between the Old and New Testaments. It highlights the Old Testament themes of longing, desire,
Passage: Matthew 6:7-15 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary The Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 stands at the literary and the thematic center of the whole Sermon on the Mount. If we can pray like Jesus taught us in the Lord’s Prayer, it will grow us
Passage: Matthew 5:48-6:6; 6:16-18 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary In Matthew 5:48, Jesus says that we must be “perfect”—literally whole, or complete—“as our heavenly Father is perfect”. In many ways, this is the unifying theme of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus is seeking disciples
Passage: Matthew 5:38-48 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary There are few commands more frequently admired, and yet seldom applied than Jesus’ commands to love our enemies and avoid retaliation, in Matthew 5:38-48. Jesus’ followers practiced these commands, and in doing so, they turned the world
Passage: Matthew 5:33-37 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Throughout Matthew 5-6, Jesus is unpacking what true righteousness looks like, and In Matthew 5:33-37, he continues to address the area of commitment making. In Jesus’ day, many people were using God’s law, and the teaching surrounding
Passage: Matthew 5:31-37 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Throughout Matthew 5-6, Jesus is unpacking what true righteousness looks like, and in Matthew 5:31-37 he addresses the area of commitment-making. Jesus calls for us to be people who keep our commitments—both in marriage specifically, and any
Passage: Matthew 5:27-30 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary In Matthew chapter 5, Jesus is unpacking what the “righteousness that exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees” looks like in daily life, and in 5:27-30 he addresses lust. The Bible speaks very positively about the gift