Passage: Matthew 5:21-26 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary   In Matthew chapters 5-6, Jesus starts unpacking what the “righteousness that exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees” looks like in daily life, beginning with anger. First, Jesus exposes what anger looks like at its origin.
Passage: Matthew 5:17-20 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary In Matthew 5:17-20, Jesus describes the righteousness he has come to reveal to the world, and the righteousness he therefore requires of his followers. Jesus begins by responding to a mistaken impression about his views on righteousness.
Passage: Matthew 5:13-16 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus begins by describing the character of the Christian community (Matt. 5:2-11). In the section that follows, Jesus describes the mission of this community, and the impact that it is called to
Passage: Matthew 4:23-5:12 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Jesus created an “upside-down” kingdom by blessing those whom nobody else considered “blessed”—those with nothing. This was as revolutionary in Jesus’ day as it is in ours—and as shocking as a beggar sitting on an empty box
As we kick off another fall season and try to organize ourselves around perhaps new schedules and demands, I would like to share from my experience the value of committing to a small group. One thing I have learned is that life is full of surprises, some good and some
Passage: Excerpts from Matthew 4-7 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Today, many people ignore Christianity because the church itself seems not to take Jesus’ teachings seriously. It is crucial, therefore, for the church today—and in every generation—to embody the radical difference that Jesus makes in
Passage: Ecclesiastes 12:8-14 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary At the end of Ecclesiastes, the narrator (a separate writer from the Preacher) reemerges, commenting on and summing up the Preacher’s attempts to find the key to life “under the sun”. First, the narrator affirms that even
Passage: Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary Death is a tragic reality that every one of us must face in a fallen world. The Teacher in Ecclesiastes is aware of this, and in Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8 he instructs us in how to live wisely in