Passage: Romans 8:12-17 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection https:/// Sermon Summary Christianity, at its very core, is about adoption. Christians are people who have been adopted by God, their heavenly Father, and who live out the implications of their adoption in their lives. In Romans 8:12-17, Paul explains
Passage: Romans 7:21–8:6 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection https:/// Sermon Summary In Romans 8, the Apostle Paul shows us how the gospel creates an entirely new mindset in Christians—a new, and freeing way of approaching all of life, based on the finished work of Christ. First, Paul helps
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Our vision to see a gospel movement on the North Shore will only become a reality if we saturate the North Shore with transformed disciples who multiply by investing in other disciples. In this short blog series, we’ll explore the necessity, the mindset, and story of multiplying discipleship at NSCBC.
Passage: Romans 8:1-4 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection https:/// Sermon Summary We’re living in a time of intense tribalism, where it seems like the forces pulling us apart are greater than the forces keeping us together. Christianity, however, offers a resource for a divided world, because it provides
Passage: 1 Peter 1:3-9; 3:13-15 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection https:/// Sermon Summary While many of us initially expressed hope about what changes 2021 would bring, it’s already looking like 2021 will be unable to carry the weight of the hopes we’re placing on it. Thankfully, the gospel
Passage: Luke 12:32 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection https:/// Sermon Summary As 2021 begins, we are faced with more than enough reasons—humanly speaking—to be anxious, and our surrounding cultural mood only tends to further, rather than alleviate that anxiety. Jesus, on the other hand, consistently commands us not
Read John 20:11-29 I was recently building a snowman with a 3 year old. It was an interesting dance of helping and not helping. She is at the stage where she “wants to do everything by herself.” In one moment, she would announce, “I can do it myself,” but in
Read John 18:28 – 19:16 The tension of this passage is as old as time – who holds power and how will it be used? In the case of Jesus, the religious leaders have found him guilty of blasphemy, but lack the authority to take his life. The Roman government