Passage: Mark 14:17-31 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection https:/// Sermon Summary From the book of Genesis, when God “set a table” for Adam and Eve, to the marriage supper of the lamb in Revelation, the Bible is a story of God hospitably inviting us to the table to
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Our vision to see a gospel movement on the North Shore will only become a reality if we saturate the North Shore with transformed disciples who multiply by investing in other disciples. In this short blog series, we’ll explore the necessity, the mindset, and story of multiplying discipleship at NSCBC.
Passage: 1 Samuel 30:1-10 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection https:/// Sermon Summary This Lenten season is unlike any other we’ve experienced. As a community and as individuals, we’ve suffered demonstrative losses because of Covid, leaving many of us feeling anxious, burdened, or paralyzed. It is precisely at times
Passage: Romans 8:31-39 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection https:/// Sermon Summary In the gospel, God gives us the strong assurance that his love for us is unbreakable—no matter what we need, how we sin, or what we suffer. And yet, as strong as God’s love is, we need to
Passage: Romans 8:18-30 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection https:/// Sermon Summary The gospel gives Christians the incredible hope that God will one day bring about a complete restoration and renewal of this earth. In Romans 8:18-30, Paul describes the goal of this hope, the groaning this hope produces,
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Next Wednesday, Christians across the world will begin to observe Lent. Many churches offer the sign of ashes to remind congregants of their vulnerability and common destination. On this day last year, we held a service based on the Psalms of Lament. As the service leader, I can remember explaining
Our vision to see a gospel movement on the North Shore will only become a reality if we saturate the North Shore with transformed disciples who multiply by investing in other disciples. In this short blog series, we’ll explore the necessity, the mindset, and story of multiplying discipleship at NSCBC.
Passage: Romans 8:12-17 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection https:/// Sermon Summary Christianity, at its very core, is about adoption. Christians are people who have been adopted by God, their heavenly Father, and who live out the implications of their adoption in their lives. In Romans 8:12-17, Paul explains