Good Friday is a special day in the church calendar when we focus on the hours leading up to Jesus death on a cross outside Jerusalem around 2000 years ago. A helpful way churches do this is by looking at seven passages of scripture describing that day and what Jesus
Passage: Matthew 28:1-10 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary We long to be the kind of disciples who can trust Jesus, even during the worst hardships. In order to grow in this kind of faith, we need to take hold of the victory Jesus has won
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Passage: Luke 19:41-44 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection Sermon Summary As Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, pained by the spiritual blindness of his own people, he wept over the fact that Jerusalem, the City of Peace, “didn’t know the things that made for peace”. Though
 On Wednesday, March 24th, at 89 years old, Joan M. Chouinard met her Saviour face-to-face. We can only imagine her joyous reunion with her beloved husband, the late Charles Chouinard, her daughter, Taylor Gilday, her grandson, Noah Gilday, and her dear baby son! Joan loved singing and dancing, so
Passage: Mark 15:6–20 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection https:/// Sermon Summary The most climactic moment in all of world history occurred when God’s son, the world’s true king, was crucified. If we meditate deeply upon the story of Jesus’ rejection and crucifixion—seeing it for what it actually is—we
Our vision to see a gospel movement on the North Shore will only become a reality if we saturate the North Shore with transformed disciples who multiply by investing in other disciples. In this short blog series, we’ll explore the necessity, the mindset, and story of multiplying discipleship at NSCBC.
Passage: Mark 14:53-72 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection https:/// Sermon Summary When life is hard, we can easily drift off course in our faith, and we need both a focus on Jesus’ faithfulness and an honesty about our own faithlessness to keep us on track. Both of these
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Passage: Mark 14:43-50 Guide for Group Discussion or Personal Reflection https:/// Sermon Summary During his betrayal and arrest, Jesus demonstrated the counterintuitive way in which God’s kingdom advances. Unlike other kingdoms, God’s kingdom comes not through domination, but through surrender. Though Mark goes to great lengths to highlight Jesus’ authority—an