In our current sermon series, we are breaking down our definition of a disciple to consider what it really means to be a follower of Jesus. A disciple is someone who is created by the gospel to learn Christ and lead others to do the same, by the power of
Director of Worship Ministries Brittany Casey reflects on why “Give us your heart” was such an appropriate song for us to sing as a church on Vision Sunday Video – Give Us Your Heart Make us like you Lord This past Sunday we prayerfully took our goals and vision to
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In our current sermon series, we are breaking down our definition of a disciple to consider what it really means to be a follower of Jesus. A disciple is someone who is created by the gospel to learn Christ and lead others to do the same, by the power of
In our current sermon series, we are breaking down our definition of a disciple to consider what it really means to be a follower of Jesus. A disciple is someone who is created by the gospel to learn Christ and lead others to do the same, by the power of
In our current sermon series, we are breaking down our definition of a disciple to consider what it really means to be a follower of Jesus. A disciple is someone who is created by the gospel to learn Christ and lead others to do the same, by the power of
A New Year In our first sermon of 2019, Pastor Bobby made the connection from Psalm 1 What water is to a tree, is meditation on God’s word to a Christian Meditation on God’s words to us in the Bible will cause us to flourish like trees planted by streams
“Advent is definitely not for sissies”, writes Fleming Rutledge, in her striking new book on Advent.  What does she mean when she says that Advent is “not for sissies”? Advent is not for sissies because Advent is the season in the church calendar when we can most squarely face the
In the third week of Advent, Tess Wallace reflects on the theme of joy. The pursuit of joy I suspect that a lot of our time and energy this holiday season will be devoted to the pursuit of joy – finding the perfect gift for a loved one, travelling to
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