Tim Chester, pastor and author, has written this post about developing a gospel focus in our churches. He says that our church community – in order to grow and last – must be founded on Jesus Christ. “We don’t read the Bible simply to fill our minds, but to change our
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We as elders met last week. We, like you, are realizing what Pastor Bobby has said: “It’s an exciting time to be part of NSCBC. Not because we’ve discovered some new strategy or hidden ‘talent’ among ourselves, but because we are realizing more about how God is passionate about magnifying
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In yesterday’s sermon, Pastor Bobby shared from 1 Peter about how we should be a community that holds up the hope we have in Jesus Christ. We can be different, like this small village in Le Chambon that saved thousands of Jews during WWII because they cared for others more
Living on the North Shore means living in a predominantly white community (85% of North Shore population, 93% Beverly, 92% Hamilton, 96% Ipswich). This makes it easier for some of us to not think about relationships with people who have a different race than us until events like last week’s shootings in Baton
Tears are rolling down my cheeks. “This is crazy,” I think, and I turn my head away from the crowd, so no one will see. I’m standing with about 140 elementary school kids and 30 or so adults, who are all participating in the 2015 Vacation Bible School (VBS) at
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The Lord’s Supper (or Communion) is when we take time each month to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf and remember his great love for and forgiveness to us. We are currently in the midst of a series of monthly posts during which we are exploring the depth of
Yesterday, Pastor Bobby mentioned the Pixar movie Inside Out in his sermon. Here is an article that further reflects on the movie and its Gospel implications. What other movies have you seen that teach aspects of the Gospel?
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We cry out to God as we see and experience the brokenness in our world. Recently, a handful of shootings have resulted in lives lost and hearts unsettled. North Shore Community Baptist Church is part of the denomination Converge (formerly Baptist General Conference). The President of Converge has written this response