Following is the seventh of weekly devotionals that will be posted throughout the Lenten season. May these reflections encourage and help you as you repent, reflect, and prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Thank you to Sarah Bartley for today’s post.   I spent some time recently with a colleague who
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Caleb Morgan is currently studying at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. One of the requirements of his Master of Divinity program is that students connect with a local church for practical ministry experience and learning through Mentored Ministry. Caleb’s NSCBC mentor is Brian Indrelie. Caleb and his wife, Hannah, have been attending
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Following is the sixth of weekly devotionals that will be posted throughout the Lenten season. May these reflections encourage and help you as you repent, reflect, and prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Thank you to Chad Stutz for today’s post.   We are all God’s children. Many of us, no
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“I want this election cycle to move my heart to worship.” Take a look at this great list from The Gospel Coalition: 4 Ways to Worship—Not Worry—This Election Season.
The Elders met this past Monday. It was our pleasure to be joined by Jimmie Massie, a mentored-ministry student and co-leader of our College Ministry, who observed our meeting as part of his degree program at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. After solving our most pressing problem (where to meet – there
Following is the fifth of weekly devotionals that will be posted throughout the Lenten season. If you haven’t already seen the previous Lenten posts on the topic of sin and its forms in our lives, please check them out. This entry takes a different approach to talk about the discipline of fasting. Thank
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As we continue studying the book of Genesis together on Sunday mornings, it is helpful to keep each chapter in perspective as to how it fits into the whole Biblical narrative. Here is a link to a video that is a helpful visual overview of Genesis 1-11. This video is
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We had a wonderful night on February 12 celebrating God’s love at Night to Shine, the prom night for people with special needs. Check out this short video overview of the event, created by Daniel Tuck. You can also see more images from the event here.