As the body of Christ, we have a high calling to community, prayer, and mutual service. We desire as a church family to bear each others burdens and kneel with one another in prayer for ourselves, our church, and our world. Some in our church body have been facing particularly difficult circumstances and
The typical picture of American hospitality looks something like this: you clean your house, your kids, yourself, you prepare some refreshments, and then you invite people into your world. Perhaps your house doesn’t look quite like Pinterest and you don’t look quite ready for a TV debut, but you make
Pastor Bobby’s sermon yesterday helped us to recognize that our work is not separate from our faith. We work because God created us to and because it is good (1:27-2:15). It is a gift from God that came before The Fall. As God’s image-bearers, we work and create, just as He
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In two weeks I’ll complete my term* as deacon-at-large. In the summer of 2014 as the church recruited its first cohort of deacons, I felt a distinct call to serve in this way. I somewhat like starting new things. I get excited imaging something that doesn’t yet exist and seeing
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Have you been noticing a difference at NSCBC lately? You might answer, “Sure, there are more new people and it’s getting harder to find a parking place.” Yes, you’re right, but there is something more fundamental happening. You may remember the sermon series about three years ago on The Sermon on
Happy New Year! Wait, is it already the middle of January? Maybe you, like me, don’t care much about “New Year’s Resolutions” but still find yourself trying to set new and better habits, clean out the house a bit more, check out that gym membership after all, etc. Oh yes,
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As we begin our sermon series on Genesis and reflect on creation, you may enjoy reading these quotes from G.K. Chesterton’s Orthodoxy, which expand on the ideas of joy and love being the reason for creation and how God’s commands and word bring us freedom. Related to God’s joy in the
Today’s post is by Marcia Kercher, coordinator of the new Connect Team.   My heart is full of gratitude when I think about the area of ministry I have been asked to launch and participate in. Pastor Bobby and Julie have heard my family’s faith story that has taken place
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