This past Sunday, we had a chance to write down things we are thankful for. Jeneil Russell shared her experience with the leaves of thankfulness on her blog, Rhema’s Hope. Check out her thoughts here. Here are our Sunday leaves!  
Take a look at today’s post by Sarah Bartley.   My Uncle Tom was capable of making anyone he met feel special. Holiday celebrations were often at his (and my Aunt’s) home. I would arrive to find him taking coats, pouring drinks, and giving out hugs and kisses. He would
Many of us are moving through every day life – in the midst of pain and joy and sorrow and satisfaction – thinking “there’s got to be more to life than this.” Whether one believes in Jesus or not, we all recognize that we need more gratitude in our world.
Today’s post was written by Natalie Crowson. With Thanksgiving close at hand we can all come up with plenty of things we’re thankful for. Family, friends, employment, sunsets, the beach, campfires, and of course, chocolate. These are good things and it is right to pause and recognize what wonderful gifts
“Building community takes hard work. It’s a slow process, and slow isn’t exactly popular these days. But it’s worth it.” Take a look at this article from Relevant Magazine: 5 Big Misconceptions About Community.
We’ve discovered in our recent sermon series on the book of Ruth that Naomi suffered great loss and was in a state of despair upon her return to Bethlehem: “Don’t call me Naomi,” she told them. “Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter.” (Ruth 1:20) But we’ve seen that God
Tim Keller presented a talk at the 2007 The Gospel Coalition conference on “What Is the Bible Basically About?”, which was the basis of this video created by Heath McPherson. The art used is that of Gustave Doré (1832-1883).
“What if we saw October 31 not merely as an occasion for asking self-oriented questions about our participation (whether we should or shouldn’t dress the kids up or carve pumpkins), but for pursuing others-oriented acts of love? What if we capitalized on the opportunity to take a step forward in