Who We Want to Be as a Church

We live in a context where the wider community does not always share our basic Christian beliefs and values. We have many friends, family-members, and co-workers who are either suspicious or apathetic towards the truth-claims of the Gospel. Culturally speaking, we are increasingly marginalized in the media, politics, and educational academy. We love the North…

The Unashamed Worker

In Matthew, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). Did you know that the probability of a person committing their life to Christ is highest between the ages of 5 and 12? We sometimes forget that children can…

Sermon Scraps: Finding Christ in the Bible

Yesterday’s sermon reminded us that all of Scripture, including the Old Testament prophets and writings, are about Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:10-12). Pastor Bobby referenced a talk by Tim Keller that is summarized in the video in this post. As we realize that the Bible is not about us and what we need to do, but about…

Update from Your Elders: late February 2016

In the interest of trying to keep everyone in the church on top of the kinds of things the Elders are discussing and acting on, here are three things we talked about at our meeting on February 22nd: 1. Gospel Renewal – You have probably noticed a buzz about a renewed focus on the gospel…