Basic Christianity: Life Together

Today’s post is part of a series to help us take what we learn on Sunday into the rest of the week. These posts summarize the main points from the week’s sermon and include questions for continued reflection and prayer. The posts in this series are written by members of our church’s Adult Christian Formation…

Basic Christianity: Gospel

Today we begin a new series to help us take what we learn on Sunday into the rest of the week. These posts summarize the main points from the week’s sermon and include questions for continued reflection and prayer. The posts in this series are written by members of our church’s Adult Christian Formation team….

The Search for Meaning

As we begin a new year, we begin a new sermon series at NSCBC. Throughout January and part of February 2017, Pastor Bobby will be speaking from Ecclesiastes. In a culture that prizes authenticity and reality TV, Ecclesiastes is relentlessly honest in its appraisal of life. Life is a gift from God, but the book’s…

Sermon Scraps: A Gospel of Healing

In yesterday’s sermon, Pastor Bobby told the story of the healing of ten lepers from Luke 17, and how one received a deeper healing when he came back to praise and thank Jesus. This pointed out the desire in all of us for healing – within ourselves, among others, and in our society. James Choung,…

The Gospel According to Abraham

Many people today hunger for spiritual encounter, but also want to be part of something that is bigger than themselves. The book of Genesis tells the harrowing story of God encountering one man – Abraham – and through his family changing the entire world. He was an unlikely candidate. In fact, he came from the wrong…

Sermon Scraps: Clothed in Humility

In yesterday’s sermon, Pastor Bobby spoke from 1 Peter 5 about leadership and how humility is (or should be) one of the key marks of a Christian leader. Humility is like our clothing – it should go with us everywhere and it should be one of the main things that identifies us as Christians. In The…

Sermon Scraps: A Community of Hope

In yesterday’s sermon, Pastor Bobby shared from 1 Peter about how we should be a community that holds up the hope we have in Jesus Christ. We can be different, like this small village in Le Chambon that saved thousands of Jews during WWII because they cared for others more than they cared for themselves….

Sermon Scraps: Inside Out

Yesterday, Pastor Bobby mentioned the Pixar movie Inside Out in his sermon. Here is an article that further reflects on the movie and its Gospel implications. What other movies have you seen that teach aspects of the Gospel?