This is the first blog post in a series called The Disciple-Making Toolkit. Our vision to see a gospel movement on the North Shore will only become a reality if we saturate the North Shore with transformed disciples who make disciples.  The charge to “go and make disciples” (Matt. 28:19-20)
Last year, in an effort to take concrete next steps in serving our vision to see a gospel movement on the North Shore, we prayerfully sought the Lord for his guidance in setting two concrete 3-5 year goals, which would serve as benchmarks in helping us to focus our efforts
The following is an excerpt from one of our church planting emails from April 2019 when we launched our plan to plant a church in Essex County in the next 3-5 years. As we start a new semester it is good to remind ourselves of this goal and to engage with
In this post read about how our church, through the Outreach Ministries Fund, has been supporting a variety of projects this year that further the work of God’s Kingdom on the North Shore and around the world The huge extent of God’s Kingdom Have you ever noticed that while Christians
An update from Pastor Ben on our discipleship survey from earlier this year and where we go from here as a church. Our Goals This past February, at our Vision Sunday Service, we prayerfully laid out two church-wide goals, to guide us over the next 3-5 years. Both goals are
A Challenge to NSCBC In our sermon this week from Will Cottrell we heard the challenge to be people who reach across the divide and make bridges with people who are not like us. In Luke 19, Zaccheus was a despised and a hated outsider, but Jesus went to Zaccheus, invited
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Answer to prayer Since September we have been praying at NSCBC alongside 6 other churches in the North Shore Gospel Partnership for God to work powerfully in the Foster care system on the North Shore. We have prayed for children in the system, for the DCF staff, for new and
The Bible is a life-changing text. It’s through the Bible that we learn the heart and character of God, the nature of humanity, and the work of Jesus Christ to reconcile the two. Yet, we often leave reading the Bible with others to be done through a program or class.