Yesterday, was the third sermon in a series addressing some of the most heartfelt questions we have for God. “What happens when I die?” The following resources may be helpful as you continue grappling with this question, seeking to understand the after-life and our hope for the new heavens and new earth: Books Surprised
Yesterday, was the second sermon in a series addressing some of the most heartfelt questions we have for God. “How do I live life well?” The following resources may be helpful as you continue grappling with this question, attempting to understand your purpose in life: Books A Praying Life: Connecting with God in
The Lord’s Supper (or Communion) is when we take time each month to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf and remember his great love for and forgiveness to us. Over the next several weeks, we will be exploring the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice by considering his seven last
Yesterday, Pastor Bobby began a new sermon series addressing some of the biggest questions we have for God. The first question was “Why is there so much pain?” Listen to the sermon here. If you are still grappling with this question and want to continue exploring the problem of pain and
As our daily lives continue in the wake of glorious Easter celebrations last weekend, let us not forget the power of the resurrection. Take a listen to this short personal reflection from British scholar N.T. Wright on what difference the resurrection makes in his life.
In Pastor Bobby’s sermon Sunday, he referenced this article from the British publication The Spectator. It helps remind us of the reality and power of Easter, even in a time when “the gap between the religious world and the secular is growing all the time.”
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Today we conclude our Lenten devotional series with this post-resurrection reflection. Thank you to Kristin Gelinas for today’s post.   Read: John 21:1-14 “After this.” That’s how the passage begins. What a weight is carried in those two words! It had been one crazy weekend. Peter watched his Friend and Lord
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For the last six weeks during Lent, we’ve been reflecting on the sin of humanity and Christ’s work on the cross for us. During the Genesis sermon series, we contemplated the lies that Adam and Eve believed about God and about themselves. We learned about Cain’s offering and how it was really for himself.
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